Oral health

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Building patient confidence in attending dental practices
Dentistry Online speaks to Jon Workman, area general manager for Great Britain and Ireland GSK Consumer Healthcare, about dentistry after…
Oral health
A thin line between love and hate
Are your patients avoiding a problem that could be causing issues in their personal lives? Arifa Sultana considers the impact…
Oral health
Oral Health Awards – Cat Edney
Cat Edney discusses what it was like to win Best Hygienist at the Oral Health Awards. How does it feel…
Oral health
Plaque management in practice and at home
Alison Edisbury will talk about plaque management in practice and at home in a free webinar at 19:00 on 15…
Oral health
Pleas for Scottish election candidates to tackle oral health inequalities
Pleas for promises to tackle oral health inequalities are being made to the candidates standing in the Scottish election.  The…
Oral health
The importance of early intervention for gum health
Join Nicola West as she explains the importance of early intervention for gum health on Wednesday 14 April at 19:00.…
Oral health
The importance of maintaining and improving the oral health of our patients
Victoria Sampson is kick starting a series of webinars discussing how to improve patients’ oral health on Tuesday 13 April…
Oral health
Embracing dental campaigns
Charlotte Wake explores dental campaigns and explains why getting back to basic prevention is key. There are so many worthy…
Oral health
Oral Health Awards – Lorraine Mattis
Lorraine Mattis, of Community Dental Services, talks about what it was like to walk away with numerous accolades at the…
Oral health
Probiotics and their impact on oral health
Probiotics are gaining attention when it comes to gut health. But they are emerging as a promising concept when it…
Oral health
Beyond brushing and interdental cleaning?
Johnson & Johnson Ltd, the makers of Listerine, are committed to supporting dental professionals in their efforts to help patients…
Oral health
A healthy word – lockdown and alcohol
New research reveals an increase in lockdown level drinking that could have a lasting impact and therefore devastating health consequences.…
Oral health
Not getting any younger
As a study reveals that poor oral health increases risks of frailty in older men, Nigel Carter asks whether we’re…
Oral health
Dentistry podcast – Christina Chatfield on 12 months of COVID-19
  Christina Chatfield opens up about her own journey over the last 12 months and what this has meant for…
Oral health
Oral cancer – dental consultant speaks out after patient discovers lump on jaw
An expert in restorative dentistry has hammered home the importance of routine check-ups after a woman discovered a lump on…
Oral health
Children’s brushing battles and simple ways to combat them
Figures from Oral-B reveal the reality of British children’s oral health habits. Research has highlighted the latest oral health battle…
Oral health
Oral Health Awards – Renate Cusumano
Renate Cusumano, of Bow Lane Dental Group, talks about winning Best Orthodontic Therapist at the Oral Health Awards.  How does…
Oral health
Out of office – Melica Bastani on home workouts and Persian food
Melica Bastani discusses what she gets up to away from the practice and how lockdown has created a new love…
Oral health
Tooth decay inequalities among children have increased
Oral health inequalities in children between the the country’s richest and most deprived communities has increased. According to a recent…
Oral health
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