Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days…
Introducing Dentistry Question Time
Is there a future for NHS dentistry after COVID-19? That’s the question we’re asking a panel made up of leading figures from around the profession. But it’s not just us asking. This is your opportunity to ask those burning question and get involved. Drive the conversation by simply submitting your question here.
Discrimination in Dentistry
All this week we’ve been hearing from women and men of different skills and backgrounds working in diverse areas about their experiences of discrimination in dentistry. Here’s who we’ve heard from. I encourage you to take a closer look:
- Nishma Sharma – ‘”Who did you sleep with to land that?” a colleague said when told of my successful posting to the OCDO’
- Wayne Thomas – ‘If there hadn’t been a male dental nurse, then this particular patient would not have received any treatment’
- Kevin O’Brien – ‘Shouldn’t the spokesman be a spokeswoman in a cause championing the woman’s voice?’
- Alina Grossman – Male colleagues actually came to me to express their annoyance that by raising this issue I had made the working environment more uncomfortable for them
- Mariyah Nazir – ‘Tits out for the lads!’ commented an anaesthetist whilst I retracted for a radical neck dissection.
How will easing lockdown affect dentistry?
One of the biggest stories to emerge from this week is Boris Johnson’s roadmap to normality following the third national lockdown. We took a closer look at some of the key dates to explore how the easing of lockdown will affect dentistry.
Remote consultations – half of dentists report difficulty obtaining patient consent
A big switch during the pandemic has been the shift to teledentistry. A recent report shows half of dentists have difficulty obtaining patient consent during a remote consultation. As a result, defence unions are encouraging dentists to put patients at ease from the outset.
Online Dentistry Show
The Online Dentistry Show is only a few weeks away now. Have you registered for free yet? It’s the first major dental event of the year and certainly one you won’t want to miss. This week we introduced another new name to the speaker line up:
Make sure you register for the Online Dentistry Show now.
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