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Supply and demand: practice property markets
Jonathan Watson explores dental practice property markets in the north of England and the Midlands. The dental market was remarkably…
Social media and dentistry – the biggest thing to happen to our profession since the invention of the radiograph
On the 13 July Nilesh Parmar will be discussing how Social Media is the biggest thing to hit Dentistry since…
Dentistry beyond COVID: teledentistry
Paul Abrahams considers the advantages of teledentistry, outside of the obvious health and safety benefits. In the wake of the…
Is ‘gender equality’ the new sexism?
Neel Kothari discusses gender equality in dentistry and why the dental boards should be based on competency. Recently the BDJ…
Temporary suspension on patient signature requirement extended
Patients will not have to sign dental forms until the 31 August 2021, it has been announced. The government has…
Dentistry podcast – Simon Gambold on team engagement
Simon Gambold offers up his top tips for team engagement in the latest episode of the Dentistry podcast series. In…
Dental news you’ve missed this week
Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days… CQC now requires…
Gender imbalance exists among speakers at recent dental conferences, report finds
New findings confirm that gender imbalance exists in speakers invited to present at dental conferences. In a fresh report into…
COVID-19 – contract reform in Wales delayed until 2022
NHS dentistry in Wales will not return to the UDA system as part of its recovery plan into 2022, the…
Decon Pete – how to ensure ultrasonic cleaners meet UK guidance requirements
Decon Pete explains how to ensure you are meeting UK guidance requirements with your ultrasonic cleaners and what records to…
The legal eagle – putting fit back into fitness to practise
John Makin, head of the DDU, explains why the GDC needs powers to reform its fitness to practise procedures. Nobody…
What does a day with Dentaid involve?
As part of National Volunteer’s Week in the UK, Neil Sikka, dentist at Bupa Dental Care recently spent a day…
Why growing patient demand does not guarantee practice growth
Justin Leigh talks about why a spike in patient demand does not necessarily mean a growth for everyone in dentistry. …
Last chance to register for The NHS to Private Dentistry Show
The NHS to Private Dentistry Show launches tomorrow and now is your last opportunity to register. Are you unhappy working…
Extracting wisdom teeth can boost taste function
Patients who had their wisdom teeth extracted experienced improved tasting years after they were removed. This is according to a…
Secrets to Success with Dr Kyle Stanley
This week, Jana Denzel speaks to Kyle Stanley about his life in dentistry and why he is now an advocate…
Dyson Hepa Cool Formaldehyde – increase HEPA air exchanges per hour
Dyson introduces its Dyson Hepa Cool Formaldehyde and explains how it can help support fallow time simply and easily in…
Weight loss dental device that prevents mouth opening designed to tackle obesity
A weight loss device that is fitted to teeth to stop the mouth from opening has been designed in a…
Four in five dentists say technology provides better working flexibility
Almost 80% of dental professionals believe technology provides greater flexibility in the workplace, a new report finds.  However optimism towards…
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