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Who’s your superhero?
Not all heroes wear capes, Shaz Memon reminds us. There has been a lot in the press about superheroes over…
Are you GDC compliant?
As we all know, the GDC deadline for completing your recommended CPD hours is in under a week’s time. Don’t panic! We…
What you’ve missed this week
Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days… GDC warns more…
GDC warns more than 2,000 DCPs about outstanding CPD with a week until deadline
More than 2,000 dental care professionals have not submitted their CPD statement with one week to go, the GDC claims.…
The ARF explained
After the GDC announced its ARF for 2019, Seb Evans went to speak to Ian Brack to understand why the…
What you’ve missed this week
Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days… GDC raises concerns…
It will end in tiers
NHS England’s plans to introduce tier two dentists will devalue GDPs’ status, Kevin Lewis argues. There are several ways to…
GDC raises concerns for thousands of DCPs at risk of removal from register
The GDC is reminding dental care professionals (DCPs) they must submit CPD statements by the 28 August 2018. The dental…
Pate – professionalism, the ‘normalisation’ of hate speech and the complicity of those who shout loudest online
Khalid Anis explains why the GDC is absolutely right to find Pate’s fitness to practise impaired, and the disturbing reaction since the…
Race to the bottom
Stick to the truth when describing your skillset, don’t join the growing number who make themselves out to be celebrities,…
Absolute trust
Michael Watson explains why the Gordon Pate case and the role of the GDC is so important. One hundred and…
What you’ve missed this week
Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days… GDC keeps ARF…
GDC keeps ARF the same for 2019 – Ian Brack explains why
Seb Evans (SE): Why have you decided to keep the annual retention fee (ARF) at the same level? Ian Brack…
The importance of cases like GDC and Pate
Matthew Hill explains why the GDC and Pate case was so important to go to fitness to practise. The determination in the…
Oh, what a circus!
The GDC is showing little common sense with the Gordon Pate case, Alun Rees says. Every registrant present and past…
GDC responds to consultation claims
The General Dental Council’s (GDC’s) consultation, Clear and certain: a new framework for fee-setting, has now closed. The consultation seeks to gather…
BDA tells GDC to reduce its annual retention fee
The British Dental Association (BDA) has called the GDC’s new consultation on fee setting unacceptable. In its consultation Clear and certain:…
A whirlwind first two years
As John Makin marks two years as head of the DDU, Seb Evans speaks to him about how the last…
You pays your money and they takes their choice
Kevin Lewis looks at how the GDC sets the annual retention fee. My shameless misquote in the above title requires…
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