Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days…
NHS public satisfaction drops to 25-year low
Public satisfaction with the NHS has plummeted to its lowest level in 25 years, a new survey shows, marking a 53% fall from the year before. Only 36% of the public were satisfied with the service in 2021. A third (33%) were satisfied with NHS dentistry.
Dental budgets ‘fail’ to keep up with rising prices, says health expert
Welsh dentists are asking for an increase to funding after new figures show government spending in Wales is £47 per head. This compares to £55 in Scotland and £56 in Northern Ireland. England has the lowest spend at £35 per head.
Ukraine – how is the UK dental profession helping?
As we all witness the horrific scenes taking place in Ukraine, Dentistry speaks to retired dentist, Leo Jurkiw, to find out how he is helping. He also gives us a feel for how things are going for dentists in Ukraine at the moment.
National No Smoking Day – your health is in your hands
No Smoking Day took place on in March. In an interview with Hazel Cheeseman, Jeylan Ramis asks how big an issue smoking is in the UK. As well as how close we are to achieving the government’s pledge for a smoke-free 2030.
Implant Insights – inside the factory – implant edition
In her first article as the new Implant Insights columnist, Morven McCauley takes us on a tour around Biohorizons Camlog’s factory. She explains why implants can end up costing so much and the effort that goes into making a quality product.
Dentistry CPD
Dr Montse Galiano presents a case report demonstrating molar distalisation with Invisalign in an adult patient. Read new articles, along with thousands more and get CPD for a limited time at only £14.99 with the code NURSEMONTH on Dentistry CPD.
Dentistry Webinars
With the snow rolling in, make sure you stay warm and toasty inside watching Dentistry Webinars. It’s free to watch – sign up with just a click. But if you’re too busy and miss the live date, don’t worry! They’re all available On Demand.
If you haven’t tried Dentistry Webinars, why not?! It’s a great opportunity to update your CPD and hear from leading speakers in your own time.
Below is the exciting webinar we have lined up this week. Take a look and make sure you sign up with the simple click of a button…
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