Practice Plan

Latest Stories
Where are dentistry’s Robin Hoods?
It’s time for action, not more talk, Nigel Jones says. ‘Too many Florence Nightingales, not enough Robin Hoods’. So sang…
Where’s the weak link in your brand?
Les Jones looks at the importance of keeping your brand consistent and the dangers if you don’t. Brands are fragile…
The partnership that drives our business forward
Andy Lavelle shares how he keeps his practice growing and working towards the vision with the support of Practice Plan.…
Seventy per cent of dentists plan to leave the NHS within five years
With many dentists reflecting on their future in the profession, Nigel Jones wonders how the Government is going to provide NHS…
How becoming a mixed practice gave me the time to grow my business
Karan Rishi shares his experience of introducing private treatment into his NHS practice. Our practice is based in a working-class area…
The fajita effect
Many dental practices are forgetting that the customer is king (or queen), Les Jones says. If you’ve ever ordered fajitas…
The next decade in dentistry – what can the profession expect?
Nigel Jones seeks the industry’s opinion on how the profession may change over the next 10 years and what they would…
Will CSR be a focus for your business this year?
Implementing a CSR strategy this year could be very rewarding for your practice, says Nigel Jones. Although different businesses have…
Teamwork makes the dream work
If you’re looking to take your whole dental team out next year, make sure you book your place at the…
More business training for young dentists needed
Should young dentists be more business savvy when they leave university, Nigel Jones questions. Ever since I started working with…
Soothe your practice headaches
Zoe Close examines three big headaches dental teams are facing and discusses how best to tackle them During my 30…
Private Practice
Welcome to the new world
Les Jones explains how technology is improving experiences in and out of dental practices. I recently took a business trip…
Don’t coast into retirement
Practice Plan’s Richard Scarborough argues for a focused approach on growing your private patient numbers as you approach retirement For…
Private Practice
NHS to private dentistry
After 29 years running an NHS practice, Gordon Downes made the move to private dentistry. Here, he shares his journey…
Is there a glimmer at the end of the NHS tunnel?
Nigel Jones discusses Sara Hurley’s latest briefing with Simon Thackeray and Tony Kilcoyne. When Sara Hurley, chief dental officer (CDO)…
Shedding new light on contract reform
Nigel Jones discusses Sara Hurley’s recent briefing into the workings of NHS dentistry with Eddie Crouch and Paul Worskett. Earlier…
Grow your practice at BDIA Dental Showcase
Practice Plan is back at the BDIA Dental Showcase and hosting their on-stand Business Growth Theatre. Delegates will have more…
Dentistry divided – NHS dentists substantially more unhappy than private
Nigel Jones shares the results of a happiness survey of dentists and discusses the implications for the future of the…
Inspiring growth
Amy D’Arcy-Burt discusses the benefits of connecting with like-minded people and businesses Throughout the year I host a breakfast club…
Private Practice
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