Hassan Shariff discusses his Dentip for managing hypersensitivity to prevent patient pain and frustration.
Hi guys, I’m Hassan. I’m a dental therapist and dental educator based in Scotland.
I’m here to talk to you about my Dentip which is all about managing dentine hypersensitivity.
Now, this is a primary concern for patients and they often come in and express that to us. So, we’ll give them some Sensodyne and send them on their way. If that works, then great.
But what about when it isn’t? They’ll come back.
This time we’ll give them something like Oral-B. Maybe the next time we give them something like Colgate.
It becomes a cycle which isn’t productive and the patient is left frustrated and in longtime pain. And, we’re also losing out on valuable clinical time.
Now toothpastes – they are great, they’ve got some amazing evidence behind them – but when that toothpaste runs out, the de-sensitising effects diminish very quickly. This is what we want to move away from.
So, what can we do in house? What about De-Sen LC?
I’ve actually had this used on me, so I really vouch for it.
Hassan Shariff
Hassan is a dental therapist currently based in Scotland.
He initially entered the world of dentistry after studying a foundation degree in dental nursing at the University of Northampton.
Immediately, he realised he wanted to delve into the world of dentistry further, so he studied to become a dental therapist at the University of Portsmouth.
Fast forward two years and throw in a pandemic, Hassan is now a clinical and academic educator for dental therapists at the University of Highlands and Islands.
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