We are thrilled to be launching the Oral Health Summit on Friday 28 May 2021 in conjunction with our charity partner, the Oral Health Foundation and National Smile Month.
The virtual event – which you can sign up to here – is completely free to attend. It will provide delegates the most current learning and approaches in line with the British Society of Periodontology’s latest guidelines.
The one-day exhibition is perfect for those interested in keep abreast of the latest techniques, products and services.
We have an exciting array of lectures available at the click of a button, meaning you can tune it at any point throughout the day.
Delegates can also walk away with six hours of enhanced CPD.
Running from 8:30am to 5:30pm, the interactive event will bring a spectrum of lectures where leading speakers will showcase the most current clinical thinking.
But there’s now only one day to go. To sign up now visit www.dentistry.co.uk/shows/oral-health-summit
Trial products and boost wellbeing
Lecture topics include:
- National Smile Month – making it work for you
- Management of periodontal disease: the BSP Implementation of treatment of Stage I-III periodontitis – the EFP S3 Level Clinical Practice Guideline
- Person centred care: rhetoric or requirement?
- Optimising oral health in the Invisalign journey
- GBT: the simple solution for clinical and business success
- Minimally invasive dentistry: an approach to prevention and risk management of dental caries
- The smart way to provide preventative oral care for a profitable practice
- A practising dentist’s guide to using oral hygiene to reduce stress in everyday practice.
But that’s not all!
Alongside the speakers, you can also visit the brand new Oral-B IO Café. Here delegates have the chance to trial its latest AI-powered IO toothbrush.
And why not drop in at the Philips Dental Wellness Zone? Those visiting can participate in activities such as yoga and meditation – all from the comfort of your own home.
To sign up visit www.dentistry.co.uk/shows/oral-health-summit