Invisalign Live 2024: must-attend event for orthodontists

Invisalign Live 2024: must-attend event for orthodontists

Speakers David Galler and Donna Galante give a preview of the topics to be covered at Invisalign Live 2024 this June.

The importance of leveraging digital tools on the Align Digital Platform and how closer working between general dentists and orthodontists can create better patient outcomes are just two key takeaways delegates can expect from this year’s all new Invisalign Live 2024. This is according to two of its keynote speakers: Dr David Galler, president of the American Academy of Clear Aligners, and Dr Donna Galante, orthodontist, Invisalign coach and consultant.

Prior to flying to the UK from the US, Dr Galler and Dr Galante answered some key questions about why they are so excited to be part of this year’s Invisalign Live line up, and why the event format is a game-changer; as well as a flavour of what they’ll cover in their keynote speeches and focused breakout sessions.

Please explain a little about your professional journey and your experience with Invisalign treatment and the Align Digital Platform

Dr Galler: I began my Invisalign journey more than 20 years ago, completing my Invisalign certification in 2003, before implementing the treatment into my Manhattan practice in New York. Since then, I’ve trained thousands of Invisalign doctors globally and have worked on more than 100,000 ClinChecks. I’m the president of the American Academy of Clear Aligners, which has 5,000 members globally. I also teach clear aligners, specifically Invisalign, as part of my Re-engage course, which is the longest-running Invisalign training programme in North America. I also regularly speak at conference and events.

Dr Galante: As a board-certified orthodontist I have had the privilege of helping more than 20,000 patients from the ages of six to 86 smile with more confidence. In my 38 years of practice, I have acquired a great deal of experience in both clinical and business aspects of orthodontics. I have the honour of sharing this globally with my peers through teaching at Harvard, coaching and mentoring and the seven books I have authored. Plus numerous international speaking opportunities.

I’m on the field education team at Align – helping new speakers put their presentations together, plus some coaching and mentoring for them. I also help to run women orthodontist mastermind events for any practitioners interested in growing their Invisalign treatments.

Why were you enthusiastic to speak at this year’s event and what do you believe are the benefits of including both general dentists and orthodontists at one event?

Dr Galler: I believe that even if every dentist and every orthodontist carried out Invisalign treatments full time, we still wouldn’t meet the demand that’s actually out there for straightening peoples’ teeth across the globe. This leaves a lot of room for collaboration between dentists and orthodontists – and referrals, something which I hope to highlight in my presentation.

Dr Galante: I feel very strongly that as dental professionals, GPs, and orthodontists, we’re all in this together. At the end of the day, it’s all about the patient. It’s all about caring for our patients to give them the best possible outcomes. And it’s all about changing their smiles, their confidence, and their lives.

Coming together at Invisalign Live will allow for a lot more collaboration for the benefit of our patients. This opens the door to better patient care, more patients being treated, and more patients getting the outcomes and results that they deserve and desire.

What can dentist and orthodontist delegates expect from your keynote speech?

Dr Galler: I intend to focus on Align innovations that are applicable to general dentists and orthodontists alike. Rarely do you come across doctors who use the full Align Digital Platform (many focus on only one or two elements), yet when you do, it’s so powerful. In the past six months in particular Align’s latest innovations have helped to deliver an exciting A to Z solution.

So, whether you’re a dentist or orthodontist, you’ll be able to see the full power of the Align platform. You can treat an entire case in 30 or 40 minutes of chairtime without compromising the patient at all.

Dr Galante: The Invisalign system gives us the advantage of being able to treat multiple cases, which could potentially be treated with fixed appliances, but aligners are so much more predictable and efficient. My goal is also to demonstrate – by showing doctors a series of different, more challenging case types – the innumerable possibilities the Invisalign system can unlock for adult and growing patients.

I’ll also touch on two patients whom I treated with sequential distalisation – so a little more advanced. I think GPs will appreciate seeing it too – it might be a case they wouldn’t normally want to treat, but would be great for referrals.

Can you give us a little insight into what you will cover in your focused breakout sessions?

Dr Galler: I’ll be covering interproximal reduction (IPR) because I have a specific way of performing it that is safe, easy, effective and 100% repeatable. IPR is a key ingredient for successful cases, and I don’t think people realise how much easier it can be just by using the right tools. 

Dr Galante: My session will cover issues such as the power of the SmartTrack material and SmartForce features for treatment predictability and understanding the application of the software features specific to mandibular advancement and eruption compensation, so delegates leave with a deeper understanding of the importance of clinical preferences and how to communicate with the technician to plan cases.

A full, insightful agenda

Doctors Galler and Galante will be joined by more than 20 dentists and orthodontists to deliver their expert insights at thisre-imagined, dual-focused educational event. Hosted by Align Technology and taking place on 7-8 June, it is the first time dentists and orthodontists have been brought together at one Align event.

To further ensure practices are able to take a more cohesive approach to delivering exemplary Invisalign treatments, Invisalign Live is also creating a dedicated two programme for hygienists, hygiene therapists and orthodontic therapists who can expect to leave with a better understanding of how to transform the way care is delivered to achieve superior clinical outcomes and patient experiences. 

In addition to the plenary sessions over the course of the two days, a further 16 breakout lectures will be discipline-specific and tailored to differing skill sets, featuring TED Talk-style sessions and panel discussions. Attendees are also invited to get hands-on at the Innovation Hub where they can learn how to sharpen their skills using iTero digital scanners – and in particular explore the new iTero Lumina for the first time.

For a full list of speakers, agendas for GPs, orthodontists and practice team members, to book a place, and enter an award please visit Invisalign | Invisalign Live 2024.

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