Finding your Niche in dentistry

Launching a new company is tough at the best of times, but throw in a global pandemic and the challenge becomes even bigger.

Here, Chris Bartlett speaks to Dentistry about how he launched Niche Dentistry alongside running a coffee van.

He explains how the coffee van grew into two coffee vans before becoming a coffee shop and the headquarters for Niche Dentistry.

‘I’d say Niche Dentistry is a partner that works with clinicians to get the best clinical outcomes,’ Chris said.

‘And we also manage an implant system in the UK market.’

Launching Niche Dentistry

For many, Chris is a very recognisable face in the UK dental market.

After previously working for numerous dental implant companies, Chris decided to take a break from dentistry.

But after a few months away, Chris realised he had the contacts to put clinicians front and centre, instead of the products, which in turn would help promote quality dentistry and quality products.

‘We came up with a strategy because we’re only three people,’ Chris explained.

‘We have great partnerships with the media and those in the profession.

‘Ultimately we’re not about promoting Niche, or Myplant, we’re about promoting the customers who bring it on board.

‘We’re picking customers that enjoy the system and then giving them a portfolio in the magazine and making it about them, not about us.’

For more information about Niche Dentistry, email [email protected].

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