Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days…
No dental practices in York are taking on new NHS patients
No dental practices in York are accepting new NHS patients. One practice, claiming it’s the only orthodontic NHS practice in York for children, has a two-year waiting list. Half of practices have a three to six-month waiting list. Experts are calling for ‘rapid and radical’ reform in dentistry commissioning.
Dental nursing roles see 72% salary increase compared to last year, says recruitment site
Dental nursing salaries have seen a 72% increase over the last year. Recruitment website Reed suggests the healthcare sector has seen a 19% increase on average. One dentist told us the higher demand for dental nurses is causing ‘big problems’ for their practice.
The Dentistry Census 2021 launches
The very first Dentistry Census is here and ready to fill out. This is the most comprehensive survey the UK dental profession has seen. Take part by simply visiting www.dentistry.co.uk/census. The results are freely available to all those who contribute.
Mothers’ mental health impacts children’s oral hygiene
The mental health of mothers can impact the toothbrushing habits in children, a new study shows. Postpartum depression or a lack of affection caused by bonding disorders can impact on a parent’s ability to encourage healthy oral health habits.
Specialists in paediatric dentistry ‘should be trebled’ to meet UK demands
The UK is ‘significantly’ lacking in paediatric dentistry specialists. A study also shows there are ‘stark inequalities’ throughout the country. The BSPD says the NHS needs to ‘treble’ the number of specialists to meet the demands of children.
The endo expert – saving compromised teeth part two: single-visit crown lengthening and endodontics: a new concept
And finally, Kreena Patel is back with her latest Endo Expert column. This month Kreena and Amit Patel look at different methods to save compromised teeth, specifically focusing on crown-lengthening and endodontics.
Dentistry CPD
Dentistry CPD has launched and offers free enhanced CPD for all dentists and dental professionals. To register and start gaining CPD, simply visit www.dentistry.co.uk/cpd. We’re getting some great feedback from the articles that are already live. Thank you so much for everybody’s positive feedback and for thinking of FMC as your go to CPD provider. If you’re not yet involved, register for free now!
Latest webinars
The schedule for Dentistry Webinars is freeing up a little now. It gives you more chance to catch up with some of the great on demand webinars that are still available and that you might have missed. Some even include CPD! Make sure you head to www.dentistry.co.uk/webinars and see what’s available.
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