Aalok Shukla speaks about teledentistry and why he thinks it enhances business in Dentistry Online’s latest podcast.
In our fifth episode, we welcome Aalok Shukla, the co-founder and CEO of Uplift. Its mission is to reduce cost and increase access to oral health globally through technology.
With customers in 61 countries, they develop teledentistry platforms, such as Instant Dentist, which focus on dental wellness.
We talk about the ins and outs of teledentistry, how it benefits the clinician and patient – and why he believes it is a vital addition to traditional dental practice.
Aalok says: ‘We’re in 2020, we have self driving cars and so many interesting technological advancements.
‘If we think about teledentistry, it’s really a part of medicine. And if we think about telemedicine as a whole, what it’s doing is helping doctors and dentists care for more patients.’
Listen on Spotify, Google Podcasts or below. To find out more about Instant Dentist, click here.