New evidence proves superior dentine occlusion of Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste technology

Approximately 90% of dentists see patients with dentine hypersensitivity every day according to Colgate (data on file).

If patients are avoiding food and drinks they enjoy because of hot or cold food triggers and dental visits become uncomfortable, what they need is a simple solution that provides them significant relief the first time they use it.

You and your dental team have it within your hands to help free patients from the pain of dentine hypersensitivity – with just one recommendation.

Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste provides instant* and long-lasting relief from the pain of sensitivity with 10 years of clinical research confirming its efficacy (Nathoo et al, 2009; Docimo et al, 2009).

Further evidence

Two new in vitro trials provide dental professionals with further evidence of the effectiveness of the Pro-Argin technology compared to other technologies on the market: Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste provides superior dentine tubule occlusion when compared with stannous fluoride/sodium fluoride technology (91% versus 67%) (Hines et al, 2018) and novamin/sodium fluoride technology (88% versus 50%) (Hines, 2018).

The effectiveness of Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste lies in its unique Pro-Argin technology, which instantly* creates a protective arginine and calcium layer that binds like a magnet to the dentine surface and occludes the exposed dentine tubules.

This protective and acid-resistant seal blocks the pathway to pain and remains intact over time with ongoing use of the toothpaste (Hines, 2016).

Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste provides dental professionals with the unique and immediate answer they know they can trust to free their patients from sensitivity pain.

  • Proven instant* relief after one application and long-lasting relief (Nathoo et al, 2009; Docimo et al, 2009)
  • 10 years of clinical studies confirming its effectiveness
  • Superior dentine tubule occlusion when compared with other technologies (Hines et al, 2018; Hines, 2018)
  • Significant improvement of patients’ quality of life by the daily use of one effective product (Hines et al, 2018).

Life without sensitivity starts with your recommendation.

*For instant relief, apply directly to the sensitive tooth with fingertip and gently massage for one minute.


Docimo R, Montesani L, Maturo P, Costacurta M, Bartolino M, DeVizio W, Zhang YP, Cummins D, Dibart S and Mateo LR (2009) Comparing the efficacy in reducing dentin hypersensitivity of a new toothpaste containing 8.0% arginine, calcium carbonate, and 1450 ppm fluoride to a commercial sensitive toothpaste containing 2% potassium ion: an eight-week clinical study in Rome, Italy. J Clin Dent 20(Spec Iss): 17-22

Hines D (2016) Effect of Pro-Argin Technology on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Dentine Hypersensitivity (DHS) vs. Negative Control over 24 Weeks. Accepted poster AWDC 2016

Hines D (2018) The use of confocal laser scanning microscopy and a novel imaging program for quantifying dentin tubule occlusion. Accepted poster, March 2018 AADR. Colgate-Palmolive Company 2018

Hines D, Rinaudi L, Xu S, Lavender S and Pilch S (2018) The use of confocal laser scanning microscopy and a novel imaging program for quantifying dentin tubule occlusion. Accepted poster, July 2018 IADR

Nathoo S, Delgado E, Zhang YP, DeVizio W, Cummins D and Mateo L (2009) Comparing the efficacy in providing instant relief of dentin hypersensitivity of a new toothpaste containing 8.0% arginine, calcium carbonate, and 1450 ppm fluoride relative to a benchmark desensitizing toothpaste containing 2% potassium ion and 1450 ppm fluoride, and to a control toothpaste with 1450 ppm fluoride: a three-day clinical study in New Jersey, USA. J Clin Dent 20(Spec Iss): 123-30


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