The Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) was delighted to be invited as a stakeholder to the recent BDIZ EDI 10th European Consensus Conference (EUCC) in Cologne, entitled ‘Peri-implant inflammation – misfortune of fate or avoidable?’.
Representing the ADI was President Philip Friel, together with new ADI director of education, Peter Fairbairn.
‘It was a very worthwhile trip,’ said Dr Friel.
‘Involvement with our kindred European associations is not only important in terms of determining universal visions and educational strategies, but also in terms of developing networks and synergies between both the UK and our European neighbours.
‘The involvement, input and enthusiasm was wonderful and relationships were made and strengthened at every stage leading to many potential future opportunities for consideration.
‘All of the representatives present have been invited to and are likely to attend the ADI Team Congress 2015 in May.
‘The main meeting was centred around updating the 2008 consensus statement on peri-implantitis.
‘Given the volume of research available this was no mean feat.
‘Over 70 reference papers were considered in the definitive statement and we look forward to the publication of this journal in the near future.’