NHS Dentistry

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Editor’s View – what does Liz Truss mean for dentistry?
After little mention of dentistry during her leadership campaign, many are questioning how high up dentistry is on Liz Truss’…
Everything dentistry needs to know about Liz Truss’s government
Liz Truss is now the new UK Prime Minister after weeks of campaigning to take over as leader of the…
One million pregnant patients miss out on free access to NHS dentistry
Almost one million pregnant patients missed out on free NHS dental care amidst the current access crisis.  Patients are entitled…
Covid freedom day – how has dentistry changed since?
We look back on how dentistry adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic and what we’ve learned 12 months on from Covid…
Calls for Liz Truss and senior colleagues to take urgent action on NHS dentistry
The future of NHS dentistry lays in the hands of Downing Street, the Treasury and the Department of Health.  This…
Ministers to make it simpler for overseas dentists to work in the NHS
Government ministers will introduce legislation to make it easier for overseas dentists and nurses to work in the UK. According…
An update for the dental team from Sara Hurley
The chief dental officer for England, Sara Hurley, has confirmed that dental teams no longer need to test for Covid-19…
Will the cost of living crisis obliterate NHS dentistry?
Dentist Neel Kothari shares his views on how the cost of living crisis will contribute to the collapse of NHS…
Practice Makes Perfect – the point of no return for NHS dentistry?
Nigel Jones debates the current political climate and why oral health inequality should be a massive concern for us all.…
NHS to Private
How much attention have you paid to the dental news this week? – 27 August 2022
Missed out on this week’s dental news? Here’s what happened over the past seven days… Vaping and oral health –…
‘On its last legs’ – only one third of adults accessed NHS dental care in two years
Only one third of adults accessed NHS dental care in the last two years, new figures reveal, sparking further frustration…
Two in five cannot afford dental appointment in the UK
Almost 40% of the UK cannot afford an appointment with their dentist due to the cost of living crisis. According…
How much attention have you paid to the dental news this week? – 20 August 2022
Missed out on this week’s dental news? Here’s what happened over the past seven days… Patient flies to Nepal to…
‘Deeds, not words’ – Rishi Sunak pledges to fix NHS dental crisis
Conservative leadership candidate Rishi Sunak says he will ‘restore’ NHS dentistry if he becomes the next British Prime Minister.  But the…
Patient flies to Nepal to get five fillings amidst NHS dental crisis
A patient has detailed his decision to jet over to Nepal to fix his dental decay after failing to secure…
Biggest shake up in NHS dental contract
After waiting for 16 years, the NHS has finally made changes to the NHS dental contract. But is it enough…
New home screening tests that detect oral cancer ‘have 90% accuracy rate’
A new test that uses artificial intelligence to detect oral cancer has kicked off in the hope of improving early…
AI & technology
Dentists from Ukraine waiting ‘up to three years’ to practise in UK
A family of Ukrainian dentists have described the ‘sad’ realities of passing the overseas registration exam in order to practise…
Kevin Lewis – whatever happened to NHS dentistry?
As dentists leave NHS dentistry and switch to private, Kevin Lewis asks if the government will try other tactics to…
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