Oral health

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Hygienists and therapists welcome new status
The British Society of Periodontology (BSP) has announced that dental hygienists and dental therapists have been given full membership status.…
Oral health
Celebrity cookbook legacy wins award
A fundraising book launched during a nationwide mouth cancer campaign last year has won a top prize as the ‘best…
Oral health
Hands-on restorative update for dental therapists
A two-day hands-on restorative update for dental therapists takes place this month. The format of the day will start with…
Oral health
Vitamin B veggies cut risk of mouth cancer
Women who consume high volumes of folic acid found in vitamin B from vegetables and some fruits are less likely…
Oral health
Handle with care
Work-related hand eczema (also known as contact eczema or contact dermatitis) is the most common skin condition in dentistry. It…
Oral health
Oral health outweighs heart risk
A leading dental institute says the long-term health benefits of dental treatment far outweigh the risk of cardiovascular complications. Recent…
Oral health
Shock images to appear on US cigarette packets
Nine graphic anti-smoking images are to be placed on cigarette packs in the US. Corpses, cancer patients and diseased lungs…
Oral health
Red tape hits dentists� morale
Growing bureaucracy is destroying the morale of high street dentists – and could be driving experienced practitioners to retire early…
Oral health
New oral cancer booklet tackles taboos
A new guide to treating oral cancer warn dentists that patients are now taking legal action against dentists alleging failure…
Oral health
Bangers & Mash � one man’s account of mouth cancer
Hollywood actor Michael Douglas’s recent diagnosis with throat cancer has put oral and head cancers at the top of the…
Oral health
Cash prize for ‘cancer savvy’ dental team
The Mouth Cancer Foundation, is marking this year’s Mouth Cancer Awareness Week (Sunday 14 to 20 November 2010) by launching…
Oral health
Oral health study scoops funding
A grant of more than £88,000 has been awarded to a study that will investigate the effect of social deprivation…
Oral health
Final days for dental education consultation
The General Dental Council (GDC) is calling for more people to get involved in its consultation about dental education.  The…
Oral health
Westminster debates new dental contract
Professor Jimmy Steele, the BDA’s Susie Sanderson and John Milne and deputy chief dental officer Susie Sanderson will be among…
Oral health
Help with your CPD
Tom Roberts, Managing Editor of Preventive Dentistry.co.uk, invites Nick Boxall to talk about the exciting new journal called CPD in…
Oral health
Judge suggests whip round as Crouch loses second leg of legal battle and 80,000
Birmingham orthodontist Eddie Crouch has said he’s ‘hugely disappointed’ after losing his bid to prove the NHS did not properly…
Oral health
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