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Hitting the target
If you have followed my articles with some interest, I am sure by now you must have realised how important…
Keeping a lid on it
Conflict is an inevitable issue which arises within any dental clinic, may it be between staff or with patients. Dealing…
Brushing up
I’m sure we all need reminders about things from time to time, and denture cleaning is an aspect of dental…
Sealing the deal
Many articles have been written about aspects of the sale process, but this two-part series identifies the key problems that…
Restorative abutments in implant dentistry
In the last article we considered abutments, discussing primarily healing abutments, while this time we will focus on restorative abutments.…
Keeping dental implants healthy
One of the most important factors for long-term success of dental implants is the maintenance of healthy peri-implant tissues. In…
How can I restore an implant for a single tooth?
Within the restorative part of implant dentistry there is a lot of new terminology with which one has to become…
Opportunity knocks
In April, change was forced upon us all. For some it was a time of great uncertainty and worry, while…
Getting patients to work for you
This article is powerful and could make you about £55,000 better off. It focuses on the psychological principle of reciprocity,…
How to beat the summer blues
Every month I spend a full day on the telephone with my clients – that’s 15 minutes with each of…
Creating a clear vision
What is the difference between an organisation’s mission and its vision? When asked this, many business professionals, including dentists, find…
To drill or not to drill
Successful relationships between dentists and patients depend on trust and goodwill. Preserving the rapport is crucial, but the balance within…
A hairy business
‘I work in a very confined environment,’ I said while explaining my stress to a non-dental friend. ‘Have they given…
Divide and prosper
You can manage your revenue and costs effectively by using key ratios to monitor them. But to carry out a…
Reaping the rewards
With so many demands made on a practice budget, it is important that any expenditure you make will benefit your…
Raising spirits
Being a manager means keeping morale high to increase productivity and job satisfaction. When a manager has been with a…
Nothing beats good manners
Most receptionists place great value on offering excellent customer care, whilst working in a busy, high-pressure dental reception. However, your…
Bristol comes out fighting
Bristol is home to one of the smallest dental schools in the UK, a fact its staff and students are…
Creating a passion for dentistry
Dr David Hornbrook is one of dentistry’s most talented clinicians and has helped thousands of dentists fall back in love…
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