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To drill or not to drill
Successful relationships between dentists and patients depend on trust and goodwill. Preserving the rapport is crucial, but the balance within…
A hairy business
‘I work in a very confined environment,’ I said while explaining my stress to a non-dental friend. ‘Have they given…
Divide and prosper
You can manage your revenue and costs effectively by using key ratios to monitor them. But to carry out a…
Reaping the rewards
With so many demands made on a practice budget, it is important that any expenditure you make will benefit your…
Raising spirits
Being a manager means keeping morale high to increase productivity and job satisfaction. When a manager has been with a…
Nothing beats good manners
Most receptionists place great value on offering excellent customer care, whilst working in a busy, high-pressure dental reception. However, your…
Bristol comes out fighting
Bristol is home to one of the smallest dental schools in the UK, a fact its staff and students are…
Creating a passion for dentistry
Dr David Hornbrook is one of dentistry’s most talented clinicians and has helped thousands of dentists fall back in love…
Five stars
1. Child Trust Fund The Child Trust Fund allowance has been increased for all children born after 1 September 2002.…
Implanting wisdom
Dental implant therapy is a growth area affording dentists the opportunity to improve the patient care they provide and increase…
How can I get involved in implant dentistry safely?
As a general dental practitioner there are very limited choices available to you when it comes to acquiring formal training…
Are you listening?
Dentistry is a fast-paced, challenging industry and, as managers, we are faced with different obstacles each day. How we deal…
Sales reps: the new industry experts?
Admit it, when sales representatives come into your dental practice, they are often not given easy access to you, are…
Threshold of profit
It is vital to have access to up-to-date financial data, know your practice’s cost structure and the basics of business…
Nice deal for patients?
For many years now patients have been familiar with the dental mantra ‘visit your dentist every six months’. Many practices…
Pedal power
I don’t want to give readers the impression I have all the answers, because that is far from the truth.…
Hiring on all cylinders
Taking on a new associate happens regularly in many dental practices, and each and every time it occurs, it presents…
Clean gums can save lives
I see gums as an end organ, just like a finger. The difference is that gums are hidden – out…
Saving for a rainy day
When starting out in working life there is no doubt reality hits hard, most often in your pocket. What becomes…
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