
Latest Stories
Oral bacteria may halt dental plaque
Oral health experts are suggesting that an enzyme produced by mouth bacterium inhibits dental plaque. The finding could eventually lead…
Chewing robot scoops prize for student
A student who designed a ‘chewing robot’ to help understand the wear and tear undergone by human teeth has scooped…
Stem cell study has implications for tooth repair
Scientists from King’s College London have uncovered the first genetic evidence that shows cells found on the surface of blood…
Intrepid recruitment pathway for Northern Ireland dentists
Dentistry finance: Redrawing the lines
Some regulation changes you will be required to act upon, others may affect the way you run your practice or…
Readers win signed copy of top dentist’s book
10 lucky readers have scooped a copy of of Dentistry’s Top 50 winner, dentist James Goolnik’s new book. In Brush:…
Benevolent efforts in Northern Ireland
Dentistry business: Not just a logo
Dentists go through years of education and training to enable them to become practitioners. They may take advanced MSc courses…
Gum disease bigger risk than diabetes
New research suggests that gum disease carries a higher risk of causing a stroke than diabetes, and its impact is…
Royal dental X-rays withdrawn from auction
Dental X-rays of the Queen’s family have been withdrawn from auction, Buckingham Palace has requested. The 18 images of Elizabeth…
Northern Ireland dentist shortlisted for awards
Dentistry Top 50 – the results
Well-known cosmetic dentist James Goolnik has become the fourth person to be named number one in this poll, following in…
Dental hygienist is top woman in Dentistry Top 50
Dental hygienist Mhari Coxon is the highest-placed woman in the Dentistry Top 50, entering the poll of the dental sector’s…
Generosity of a smile
A dentist gave a bride-to-be the smile of her dreams for free when she broke down in tears at the…
TV dentist suspended for affair with patient
A celebrity dentist who had an affair with a patient faces a three-month ban for ‘a serious breach of standards’.…
Attendance soars 84 per cent at dental show
The Dentistry Show cemented its position as the fastest growing event for DCPs, attracting a record attendance. Staged at the…
Dental company Dentisan win again!
Dentisan’s award-winning year of 2010, continued into 2011 when it received further national recognition at the Medilink UK Awards 2011,…
Legal case sets precedent for dental practices
A recent court case involving HMRC has helped to clarify how repairs and improvements made to business premises, including dental…
Save £100 on a place at the World Aesthetic Congress
The UK’s leading annual aesthetic dentistry event is back, this year celebrating 10 years of success! 2011 is guaranteed to…
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