
Latest Stories
Northern Ireland dentist shortlisted for awards
Dentistry finance: Redrawing the lines
Some regulation changes you will be required to act upon, others may affect the way you run your practice or…
Dentistry Top 50 – the results
Well-known cosmetic dentist James Goolnik has become the fourth person to be named number one in this poll, following in…
Dental hygienist is top woman in Dentistry Top 50
Dental hygienist Mhari Coxon is the highest-placed woman in the Dentistry Top 50, entering the poll of the dental sector’s…
Generosity of a smile
A dentist gave a bride-to-be the smile of her dreams for free when she broke down in tears at the…
TV dentist suspended for affair with patient
A celebrity dentist who had an affair with a patient faces a three-month ban for ‘a serious breach of standards’.…
Attendance soars 84 per cent at dental show
The Dentistry Show cemented its position as the fastest growing event for DCPs, attracting a record attendance. Staged at the…
Dental company Dentisan win again!
Dentisan’s award-winning year of 2010, continued into 2011 when it received further national recognition at the Medilink UK Awards 2011,…
Legal case sets precedent for dental practices
A recent court case involving HMRC has helped to clarify how repairs and improvements made to business premises, including dental…
Dental researchers win top awards
Two dental researchers at the Dundee University’s College of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing have won prestigious awards at a major…
Celebrating aesthetic excellence in dentistry
The third Smile Awards 2011 – staged last Friday – have been hailed a great success. Created to promote clinical…
Have your say on the future of dentistry
The General Dental Council (GDC) is getting ready to listen to dental professionals working in and around Cardiff. A free…
Love your smile
Save £100 on a place at the World Aesthetic Congress
The UK’s leading annual aesthetic dentistry event is back, this year celebrating 10 years of success! 2011 is guaranteed to…
5-a-day fruit and veg scheme rolled out nationwide
The Change4Life scheme designed to help people eat their 5-a-day in deprived areas has been rolled out nationally following the…
Profile of a jockey and dental corporate boss
Having ridden his way to success for a second time in 2011, Sam Waley-Cohen, amateur jockey and owner of dental…
Desk grazing a risk to oral health
A growing trend for eating on the go is impacting on our oral health. The new breed of grazers is…
Dentists, ace the CQC inspection!
Don’t miss the essential seminar, So now you’re CQC registered – what next?, which will prepare your team and business…
Dental profits reduced or static
The net profits of dentists in the financial year 2009/10 were either reduced or static compared to the previous year…
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