
Latest Stories
NHS pensions tax target for Chancellor
NHS pension provision has for decades been a major benefit for dentists working in the National Health Service. In his…
‘No indemnity’ dentist struck off
The GDC made its decision after hearing allegations made about Michael Boniface’s treatment of six patients – and his lack…
Rolling into Windsor
Kerr’s aesthetic roadshow is rolling into Windsor on 7 December to share with delegates the secrets of restorative success. Speaker…
Watch those tweets this Christmas!
Employment law advisers receive regular calls on social media issues, ranging from inappropriate comments made by employees of the practice…
Dismissing an employee – the law
If you dismiss an employee for a reason not allowed by law, without following the correct procedure, or without giving…
Have your say on new GDC plans for CPD
No one ever stops learning and the practice of dentistry continues to evolve with changes in technology, techniques and trends…
International Symposium success
An International Expert Symposium, which took place recently in Berlin, brought together 14 world-renowned specialists and approximately 750 participants, from…
Sex a flop for men with poor gums
That’s according to a new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Men in their thirties, who had inflamed…
Warning over eBay X-ray devices
The cheap imported devices could also pose a significant risk to dentists and dental nurses, health officials said. The Tianjie…
How to… stop a dental disaster this Xmas!
Food plays a big part in our Christmas celebrations, adding excitement and an excuse to eat our favourite treats! Recent…
Legal tips to avoid a thorny Xmas
It’s the season to be jolly but, says NASDAL lawyer Amanda Maskery, there can be potential for things to go…
Oz leads way in tobacco ad ban
This weekend, Australia became the first country to strip all tobacco products of branding and replace them with graphic health…
Have your say!
The Right to Smile campaign was launched this week by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), with an aim to…
Vitamin D fights tooth decay
The US review, published in the December issue of Nutrition Reviews, looked at 24 controlled clinical trials, spanning the 1920s…
‘Greedy’ dentist struck off
Stuart Craig, based in Auchinleck, Ayrshire, has been struck off by the General Dental Council (GDC) following a public hearing…
Posters get DCPs to think CPD hours
A poster campaign, aimed at reminding dental care professionals (DCPs) of their commitment to continuing professional development (CPD), has been…
New president appointed
The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) announced the appointment of Julie Rosse as president in succession to…
No more complications for cosmetic dentistry
Oxyjet UK’s new Oxyjet Leo De Luxe is the entirely painless, safe, needle-free and ‘green’ alternative to Botox and similarly…
Denplan has new life presidents
Following its acquisition by Simplyhealth, Denplan has announced that its former chairman, David Phillips and former non-executive director, Meredyth Bell,…
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