The Dentistry Show London is your last chance to see The Dental Hygienist Roadshow, brought to you by Johnson & Johnson Ltd. Make sure you attend to hear the very latest research from Professor Iain Chapple, Benjamin Tighe and Laura Bailey.
After touring the UK, London becomes the final destination for The Dental Hygienist Roadshow in October this year.
Professor Iain Chapple, Benjamin Tighe and Laura Bailey have covered:
- The current impact periodontitis is having on the UK population
- Why managing gingivitis using plaque control measures is key to successful preventive care
- The role the dental hygienist and dental therapist can play in instigating behaviour change.
The Dentistry Show London is the final date on the calendar for 2023.
‘The reception we’ve had from the roadshow so far is that we’ve reinvigorated the passion for patient health, systemic health for behaviour change,’ says Laura Bailey.
‘We’re starting to get excited about oral hygiene again and how we motivate our patients, which is just really important.
‘If you’re not attending The Dental Hygienist Roadshow, and in particular the Q&A forum, you’re missing such a good opportunity.
‘We really get to the nitty gritty about why gingivitis is the new paradigm.’
WTF: what is the future?
During the roadshow, the three lecturers take delegates through the very latest in periodontal research.
Professor Iain Chapple looks at the role of personalising dental medicine and the size of the challenge the dental profession faces.
Benjamin Tighe then discusses the role of chemotherapeutics in biofilm prevention, reviewing the latest mouthrinse evidence. He also explains how important it is for dental hygienists and dental therapists to critique research and how to implement these findings into everyday practice.
Finally, Laura Bailey explains how to inspire change in each patient’s behaviour. She unpicks the human brain and introduces the four personality types and how to adapt your approach to each one.
‘This Roadshow is an opportunity to discover the latest research on mouthwash and essential oils,’ says Benjamin Tighe.
‘It’s an update on why we need to be recommending this to our patients and implementing it into our daily practice. The lectures start with Professor Chapple, introducing the latest evidence. I discuss implementing this into practice before Laura talks about behavioural change.
‘Afterwards there’s the opportunity to attend a Q&A forum for everyone to sit down and discuss the points or any issues that might have been raised during the lectures.’
Register for the Q&A forum
As Benjamin Tighe mentions, the event doesn’t stop with the lectures. There is also the chance to discuss current challenges in practice in a more private setting with the speakers.
Johnson & Johnson Ltd, the maker of Listerine, is hosting a Q&A forum with up to 10 delegates at each event.
‘There’s an opportunity for peer discussion, debate and just being part of a changing field,’ says Professor Iain Chapple.
‘In particular, how things are changing in the future and what the new roles are going to be for the dental team in terms of holistic management of patients.
‘We’ve had some great conversations and great questions, not just from dental hygienists and dental therapists but dentists and dental nurses as well.
‘What this lunch has offered is a really relaxed and informal environment for people just to exchange views, talk about challenges. Question and challenge what we’ve been saying, which is really important. That’s really enriched the main presentation.
‘For me, what’s really important from these roundtable discussions is I learn as much as the delegates do. They’re giving information on how they do things in practice. It’s certainly a two-way learning process.’
For more information about The Dental Hygienist Roadshow, as well as an opportunity to sign up for an exclusive Q&A forum following the roadshow lectures to discuss with the speakers the latest research and recommendations in a private session, simply visit