Michael Copeland discusses the NHS pension discrimination case and what you need to consider to keep your retirement plans on track.
Sometimes referred to as the McCloud judgement, the NHS pension age discrimination case is something that will impact you as a dentist when it comes to looking ahead and planning your pension.
The judgement impacts all pension scheme members, including those in the NHS scheme, who were in service before 31 March 2012, or after 1 April 2015.
Despite it having been a hot topic in the industry for quite a while now, there are some dentists out there who still aren’t aware of how it all works and how it will impact them.
Senior area manager at Wesleyan Financial Services, Michael Copeland, caught up with Practice Plan’s Business of Dentistry Podcast. He discusses everything you need to know about the judgement.
During this episode, Michael will look at the government’s course of action to rectify the findings of the case. He will discuss what you may need to do in response to keep your retirement plans on track. As well as how to make sure your pension pot remains at the best possible value it can.
With almost 20 years’ experience at Wesleyan Financial Services, Michael will give you some highly sought-after advice. He will make sure you know everything there is to know about the NHS pension discrimination case. That way you are in the best possible position to deal with anything moving forward.
And if you are looking for more support to further understand the NHS pension scheme, then why not contact your local Wesleyan financial consultant where they can provide you with expert guidance and advice.
To book a no obligation financial review, go to www.wesleyan.co.uk/dental.