In this article, Nicki Rowland discusses the importance of building human connections in your dental practice to drive new footfall and business growth. To this end, finding your ‘purpose’ in your dental business is vital.
Getting back to basics
In this day and age, the world of dentistry is driven by compliance, legislation, technology and UDAs. Dental teams are also fearful of the General Dental Council (GDC), the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and other powers that can come crashing down on them at any time. Patients have extremely high expectations that are consequently fuelled by the media. Also by legislative organisations expressing themselves in the public domain. Dental teams are exasperated by systems, technology and the hype for compliance perfection.
I am not saying that governance is a bad thing as it raises standards and provides guidance for best practice. But what about the human element? Where has that gone? The drive to raise governance standards and comply with legislation is detracting from the delivery of care, a genuine connection with the patient and their fundamental needs. I meet dental teams day in, day out, who are highly frustrated with the current dental climate. Further, they just want to get back to the basics of delivering dignified, respectful dental care in an environment where patients’ feelings and emotional requirements are top of the priority list, not compliance.
In many cases, dental teams are so busy that contemplating any change can be daunting. This can be a ‘I can’t see the wood for the trees’ situation. However, there is a way forward and that is to strip everything back to basics and build it from the bottom…
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