In the following article, dentists and technicians enthusiastically endorse Celtra Press as a restorative material that delivers function, durability and aesthetics, producing strong, durable and highly aesthetic restorations.
Discovering the perfect restorative material is the ultimate aim for restorative dentists and technicians, and manufacturers have a constant quest to find the optimum formulation. Dentsply Sirona has its focus firmly on research and development and has never ceased in its desire to pioneer a restorative material, which will deliver the ideal combination of function, durability and aesthetics.
The new generation
Celtra Press is a new generation of pressable, high strength glass ceramics that has won the approval of dentists and technicians who are impressed by the outstanding aesthetic results achieved using the material.
Remarkable aesthetics
Celtra Press has a particularly fine crystalline microstructure and high-glass content, which produces outstanding light-optical properties. High translucency and opalescence give it a remarkably ‘chameleon-like’ effect. Careful Vita shade matching and a simple stain system ensure that the colours can be blended to recreate the natural colour of the surrounding teeth.
Ashley Byrne from Byrnes Dental Laboratory says: ‘The glass-like aesthetic properties of Celtra Press mean we can achieve life-like results easily and reliably every time.’
Thomas Telfer, of Nexus Dental Laboratory agrees, commenting: ‘Celtra Press gives me the natural opalescence I need to achieve better results in aesthetic cases.’
Clinicians also agree that their patients are delighted with the extraordinarily life-like appearance of their restorations. Dr Stephen Byfield of The Raglan Suite, Harrogate, comments: ‘Working in one of the UK’s leading referral practices we have to meet very high patient and referring clinician expectations. Celtra Press provides our team with a material that mimics the effects and surface texture of natural teeth, allowing our implant restorations to blend in with the patient’s dentition.’
Dr Kostas Papadopoulos, 38 Devonshire Street Practice, London adds: ‘Having used various types of finishing porcelains in my practice, I can say that Celtra Press offers outstanding aesthetic outcomes. The combination of warm colours, optimal translucency and opalescence, results in truly natural-looking restorations.’
Strong and predictable
With a three-point flexural strength in excess of 500 MPa (with power firing), Celtra Press creates a new benchmark in high-strength glass-ceramics. The 10% zirconium oxide, ready-dissolved in the glass matrix, and power firing (which in the case of monolithic restorations, forms part of the stain/glaze firing), provide this exceptionally high strength.
Steve Campbell, Nexus Dental Laboratory Harrogate, said: ‘I look for predictability, consistency and efficiency in the materials we use at Nexus. Celtra Press delivers these qualities, even in tricky cases where we are tackling different stump shades or mixed substructures.’
Efficient and easy to handle
Celtra Press has exceptional flow qualities thanks to its smaller microcrystals. This means that only one pressing sprue needs to be attached, even for three-unit bridges.
When used with the complementary Celtra Press investment liquid, only a minimal reaction layer forms during pressing, and further pickling in acid and sandblasting are no longer required. Thanks to the precision fit, fine and homogenous surfaces and soft de-vesting properties, technicians can work quickly and with confidence.
Dr Papadopoulos concludes ‘The fit of Celtra-pressed restorations is always very precise resulting in a reduction of time needed for restoration delivery. Ease of handling chair-side is a bonus, as traditional cementation techniques can be used as well as a fully adhesive protocol.’
And back in the laboratory, Ashley Byrne summarises: ‘Celtra Press as a system has simplified our workflow right from the investment process to finalising the crown, allowing us more time to create stunning aesthetics.’
To find out more about the extensive range of restorative solutions, materials and equipment, please visit or call us on 01932 853 422.
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