Pierre is a world renowned endodontist and has been majorly involved in recent advances in rotary techniques.
The format for this high-end event will be a mixture of lectures and hands-on, with the programme including topics such as; molar access and canal exploration, rotary instrumentation using Protaper Next, advanced techniques for negotiating blockages and defects within previously treated root canal, and techniques for the dismantling and removal of post-core structures and fractured intracanal instruments from root canals.
Each delegate will be provided with a benchtop Zeiss microscope.
This feature is designed to enhance the learning experience and will be of great benefit to those delegates who are considering adding a microscope to their clinical practice.
The course fee will be £775 and delegates will be eligible for 13 hours of verifiable CPD (continuous professional development) and, for Scottish delegates, CPD allowance.
The course will be limited to 20 delegates maximum and will be held in The Lighthouse, Glasgow.
Programme for hands-on microscope event
- Access cavities – Lecture and demo on molar access
- Canal negotiation of narrow canals: management of blockage and ledge – lecture and demo
- Cleaning and shaping using Protaper Next system and a lecture on irrigation techniques
- Obturation – lecture and demo on warm vertical compaction
- Lecture on disassembly and removal of broken instruments with a demo on fractured instrument removal.
The hands-on aspect will concentrate on endodontic access, canal negotiation of narrow/blocked canals, cleaning, shaping and obturation.
Each delegate will be required to bring five extracted molar teeth and will have their own bench top scope.
Digital radiography will also be available to aid the learning process.
The event is being supported by Nuview/Zeiss, Dentsply Maillefer and The Dental Directory.
For more information please contact Ian Macmillan on 07900803738 or email [email protected].