Oral health

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My experience becoming a clinical caseworker
Karenn Helmrichne talks to Dentistry Online about her experience becoming a clinical caseworker and what the role involves. What does…
Oral health
Young hygienists – tips to drive a growing career in dentistry and obstacles you’ll face
Melica Bastani gives some advice to new hygienists and therapists on growing their careers and overcoming obstacles in dentistry. As…
Oral health
Almost 97% of dental professionals are performing fewer oral cancer screens, survey finds
The significant majority of dental professionals (97%) are performing fewer oral cancer screenings in comparison to pre-pandemic circumstances. This is…
Oral health
The lockdown diet: effects, and the role of the GDP
As patients start coming back to dental practices, Elizabeth Offen looks at how their oral health may have changed and…
Oral health
The lifestyle approach to oral health and wellbeing
The mouth is a window to the whole body. With people’s increased appetite for protecting their own health, we have…
Oral health
How can dentists utilise a hygiene therapists’ full scope of practice?
Aneekha Dhaliwal urges dentists to use dental hygienist and therapists’ full scope of practice to help spread the workload. As…
Oral health
Reducing the risk of aerosol contamination
EMS Dental highlights how dental practices can reduce the risk of aerosol contamination from the coronavirus. We have always known…
Oral health
Preparing patients for their first appointments post-lockdown
Sherali Patel discusses ways hygienists and therapists can better prepare their patients for their first appointments post lockdown. Dentistry has…
Oral health
People with gum disease at higher risk of gastric cancer
People who suffer from gum disease have a higher risk of developing certain forms of cancer, a study suggests. Published…
Oral health
Sugar levels in infant foods are too high, study finds
The number of snack foods aimed at babies has rocketed – but the sugar content is still too high. This…
Oral health
Drop in number of UK adults who smoke cigarettes, new figures show
Almost one fifth of 25 to 34 year olds smoke cigarettes in the UK – but the overall number of…
Oral health
Eight in 10 say kids’ characters should be removed from unhealthy snacks
Parents are calling for a stop to children’s characters on unhealthy food and drinks, a survey has revealed.  More than…
‘Significant’ drop in cigarette sales after introduction of plain packaging
The introduction of plain, standardised packaging has discouraged the UK public from purchasing cigarettes. This is according to a new…
Oral health
The hygienist’s blog – toothpaste is just toothpaste, right?
Not all toothpaste is made the same. Claire Berry summarises her findings about Oral-B Pro Expert toothpaste. What if I…
Oral health
‘Fridge pickers wear bigger knickers’ – but what about their oral health?
Snacking in the UK has increased by 40% during the coronavirus lockdown. Amie Holder-Soares highlights what we need to consider…
Oral health
Dental career doubts after lockdown
After four months out of the practice, Sammi-Peony Dovey talks about her dental career doubts and why she’s glad to…
Oral health
Will COVID-19 widen the oral health gap?
A conversation about oral health is now more important than ever following the COVID-19 pandemic, Ben Atkins argues. Oral health…
Oral health
How COVID-19 has changed the perio landscape
With patients coming back to dental practices after months away, Gamze Eroglu explores how the lockdown has changed the perio…
Oral health
Could poor oral hygiene increase the risk of COVID-19 infection?
In a new paper, Victoria Sampson looks into how better oral health care could reduce the risk of complications from…
Oral health
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