After a challenging 2022, the Secret Dentist wonders if there is any light at the end of the tunnel as we start a new year.
I ended my last blog at the end of last year with a request for you to reflect and consider whether you were ready and able to be a positive influence on life in the New Year.
Well, we are a couple of weeks into it, and I hope you are cruising positively! I certainly always start to feel more positive after we pass the shortest day and start to get to the period where it isn’t dark while both going to work and coming home.
I appreciate that we are all very much at different stages of our careers. But as I’ve said many times before, choose good people to associate and work with and I think you’ll have a happy and successful career.
Aim for the long term as we will all be working way past the age when our parents probably retired. So keep in mind it’s a marathon (more like double marathon) rather than a sprint.
A return to normality?
You don’t have to achieve everything yesterday! Take your time to enjoy life now and try not to take yourself too seriously.
Personally, my thoughts are turning to February half term when I’ll be off on the family ski holiday for the first time in three years. It almost seems unreal that we squeezed the last one in, just as Covid-19 was starting to gain momentum in Italian ski resorts in January 2020.
I’ll say it quietly, but I almost sense a returning to normality!
Perhaps when the next holidays arrive in early April, we’ll all be dancing and merrymaking and really be looking forward to a summer celebration.
If life isn’t feeling good for you, perhaps it’s time to give yourself a good talking to…
Catch up on the Secret Dentist’s previous columns
- We are unique, you are unique
- The damaging NHS contract and ‘detached’ GDC
- A country in chaos
- The Queen’s legacy and an opportunity for reflection
- NHS dental contract changes.
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