Hypodontia is a condition in which the patient is born with an absence of one or more teeth – including permanent teeth. There are several options to treat hypodontia, and patients often require a wide range of treatment, including maintenance of primary teeth to the restoration of multiple edentulous spaces. This may involve partial adhesive bridges, tooth transplantation, and implants. To ensure the best outcome for the patient, a multidisciplinary approach involving the expertise of a number of clinicians is the most important requirement.
On 6 July 2018, Manchester University is hosting ‘Excellence in hypodontia – the orthodontic restorative interface’ at its centre for professional development – Mandec venue. This event will examine the topic through a series of lectures and table-top treatment planning discussions centred on the multi- disciplinary management of complex orthodontic-restorative cases. The focus will be on initial planning and presentation of cases; stages of treatment progression; definitive management and outcomes.
Organised by consultant orthodontist, Mariyah Nazir, this event is billed to feature a host of experts in this field, and will benefit dentists, orthodontists, prosthodontists, those interested in oral surgery, and the management of multidisciplinary cases.
List of speakers
Mariyah Nazir BDS(Hons), Mphil, MFDS RCS(Eng), MOrth RCS(Ed), FDS(Orth) RCS(Eng) is a consultant orthodontist and the event organiser.
Special interests: Hypodontia and complex restorative cases.
Mariyah qualified with honours as a dentist in 2001 from the University Dental Hospital of Manchester. Following a variety of practice and hospital posts she undertook her specialist training in Manchester, gaining the membership in orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the MPhil from the University of Manchester. Mariyah gained the intercollegiate speciality fellowship in orthodontics of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2009 to gain consultancy status. Mariyah is the secretary for the national British Orthodontic Society Audit Committee. She takes a keen interest in developing training programmes for dental care professionals.
Professor Keith Horner BChD, MSc, PhD, Odont Dr (hc), FDSRCPSGlasg, FRCR, DDR is a professor of maxillofacial imaging.
Research interests include: osteoporosis and its dental implications, dosimetry and cone beam CT.
Keith Horner qualified as a dentist in 1981 from Leeds University and held several junior hospital posts in Leeds and Sheffield. In 1984 he became a student again, undertaking a one-year masters degree in experimental oral pathology at the London Hospital Medical College Dental Institute. Subsequently, he began specialist training in dental and maxillofacial radiology at King’s College Hospital and the Eastman Dental Hospital in London in the 1980s, leading to the award of his specialist diploma. He moved to Manchester in 1988 as lecturer, being granted consultant status in 1990, senior lecturer in 1992 and a personal chair in 2001. He has over 100 research publications and substantial grant income. He has acted as co-ordinator for two European Commission Framework projects. He led the development of European Guidelines on Radiation Protection in Dental Radiology, published by the European Commission in 2004. Recently he led the Sedentexct European project on the safety and efficacy of dental cone beam CT, producing a number of key scientific publications, evidence-based guidelines and a quality assurance programme. He has served on influential working parties in the UK (Health Protection Agency; FGDP[UK]) and acted as an invited expert for the IAEA Radiation Patient of Patients Unit. He was awarded an honorary doctorate of odontology degree by the University of Malmo, Sweden, in 2008. He has been appointed as an adjunct professor in the School of Dental Science, Trinity College Dublin (effective 01/10/16 to 30/09/21).
Martin Ashley BDS (hons), FDSRCS (Eng), FDSRCS (Rest Dent), MPhil is a consultant and honorary senior lecturer in restorative dentistry.
Special interests include: hypodontia, cleft, dental implants, periodontology, clinical audit and effectiveness, healthcare informatics.
Martin is based at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester, the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and University Hospitals of South Manchester. He is a well-known and respected consultant in restorative dentistry and an honorary senior lecturer for the University of Manchester. He is registered as a specialist in restorative dentistry, periodontics, endodontics and prosthodontics. Working closely with his team of consultant colleagues, Martin provides specialist dental care for patients with a wide range of conditions. In particular, those requiring dental implant treatment, those with periodontal (gum) disease, those who fail to develop their adult teeth (hypodontia) and those who have had cleft lip and palate surgery. Martin is the associate clinical head of the dental division in Manchester and holds several positions of responsibility within the Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust and nationally within dentistry. Martin lectures at events across the UK and also maintains private dental practices in Altrincham, Cheshire and in central Manchester.
Richard Needham BDS, MFDS RCS Ed, MJDF RCS Eng, MSc (Pros), MSc (Ortho), MOrth RCS Eng, FDS Orth RCS Eng is a consultant orthodontist.
Special interests: temporary anchorage devices, multidisiplinary orthognathic and hypodontia cases.
Richard qualified as a dentist in 2007 from the University of Manchester. Since then, he has worked in a variety of hospital and practice posts in all aspects of clinical dentistry. In 2009 he gained membership to both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He completed an MSc in fixed and removable prosthodontics prior to entering a three-year specialist training program in orthodontics. Richard completed this training in 2013 gaining entry to the General Dental Council’s orthodontic specialist list. Subsequently he undertook an additional two years of senior registrar training to achieve consultant status. His role as a consultant orthodontist involves the treatment of a range of complex multi-disciplinary cases for patients with multiple missing teeth or those requiring orthognathic surgery. In addition, he teaches and supervises on both the orthodontic postgraduate training programme and the orthodontic therapy course.
John Scholey BDS, FDS RCS (Edin), FDS (Orth) RCS (Edin), MOrth RCS (Edin), MOrth RCS (Eng), MDentSci is a specialist orthodontist.
John Scholey is a specialist orthodontist and the lead consultant orthodontist at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, where he treats a range of complex cases, both children and adults including many multidisciplinary cases.
Steven Brindley BDS, MPhil(Pros), FDSRCS (Eng), MRDRCS (Edin), FDS(Rest Dent), RCS (Eng).
Steven is a specialist in restorative dentistry, prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics and oral surgery.
Stephen accepts referrals for complex restorative cases, endodontics, surgical endodontics, dental implants and adult dental trauma. Stephen is one of only a few dentists in the UK to be a registered specialist in restorative dentistry, endodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics and oral surgery.
David Waring BChD, M.Dent Sci, MFDS RCS, M.Orth RCS, FDS RCS.
David is an honorary clinical teaching fellow/consultant orthodontist.
David Waring qualified in dentistry at the University of Leeds in 1995 and undertook vocational training in general practice before working in Australia with the Flying Doctor Service. Following SHO posts in oral and maxillofacial surgery, and gaining the MFDS RCS (England) he was accepted on the SpR training programme in orthodontics at Liverpool University. After attaining the M Orth at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2003 and M Dent Sci at the University of Liverpool, he was accepted on the orthodontic specialist list. David then began his FTTA training at Liverpool and passed the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (FDS RCS Eng) in October 2005. He has been consultant orthodontist since May 2005.
Amin Aminian is a registered specialist in prosthodontics and has extensive experience in the management of the routine and complex case, receiving referrals for several years. Amin has built a reputation on achieving the ultimate result in complex cases by applying care and precision to every aspect of care. Amin takes particular pride in having worked with several specialists, all considered experts within their field. His colleagues within the implant field include Neil Wilson, Professor Paul Coulthard, Peter Young, Manu Patel, R Tuffin, Ameeta Joshi and Richard Lloyd.
To book on this not to be missed event, please email [email protected], call 0800 7833 552.
Alternatively book online at: dbortho.com/products/the-orthodontic-restorative-interface?variant=5174935715871.