Another first in dentistry, Expazen provides all the benefits of retraction cord without any of the drawbacks.
Simple to use and easy to apply in just 20 seconds, Expazen cord-paste takes on a viscoplastic consistency.
With a specially design tip on the applicator, the capsule never comes into contact with the sulcus and the cord-paste is dense and wide enough to retract the gingiva without any risk of damage to the epithelial attachment.
The release of aluminium chloride is also limited so as to ensure a safe, effective and atraumatic procedure.
While Expazen acts in one to two minutes, its low solubility means it can safely remain in the sulcus for up to 12 minutes, before being removed in pieces, for a flexible working time.
Expazen has all the efficiency without any of the drawbacks associated with gingival paste.