The British Association of Dental Therapists (BADT) stages it annual conference on 15-16 June at the Thistle Hotel Glasgow.
Promising ‘new goals, news challenges and new thinking’, it plays host to many key speakers in the world of dental therapy.
The BADT has planned a conference – supported by Colgate – full of relevant and diverse speakers to keep therapists CPD current and contemporary.
The Association is also promising to provide a highly sociable weekend.
The Thistle Hotel is in Cambridge Street, Glasgow.
For further information and to make your secure payments please refer to or telephone 07800 728082.
Conference rates: Presidential dinner:
Members £145.00 £50.00
Newly qualified/student members £100.00 £50.00
Non-members £220.00 £60.00
Friday 15 June 2012
8.30am Registration, Coffee and Exhibition
9.00am Welcome
9.10am Lecture – Dr Douglas Robertson, Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry,
University of Glasgow Dental School
Diabetes and Oral Health: A two way street?
10.00am Professor Jimmy Steele, Head of School of Dental Sciences, University of Newcastle
British Oral Health and Dental Care in the 21st Century
11.00am Coffee and Exhibition
11.30am Linda Gunn, Programme Director BSc Oral Health Science, University of the Highlands and Islands
Holistic Approach to Patients
12.00noon Dr Paul Brocklehurst, NIHR Clinician Scientist and Honorary SpR in Dental Public Health, University of Manchester
Could DCPs Do More in Practice?
1.00pm Lunch and Exhibition
2.00pm Dr Nigel Robb, Reader/Honorary Consultant Restorative Dentistry and Sedation,
University of Bristol and President SAAD
Inhalation Sedation by Hygienists and Therapists – Where Are We Now?
3.00pm Professor Stephen Challacombe, Professor of Oral Medicine, King’s College London Dental Institute
The Challacombe Scale: A Scale of Clinical Oral Dryness and Workshop
3.45pm Coffee and Exhibition
4.15pm Sharon Grant, Dental Therapist
New CBCT Digital 4-Dimensional X-ray Systems
4.45pm AGM
7.30pm Drinks Reception
8.30pm Presidential Dinner
Saturday 16 June 2012
9.00am Registration, Coffee and Exhibition
9.30am Juliette Reeves, Clinical Director and Dental Hygienist
New Concepts in Biofilm Removal and Periodontal Maintenance
10.30am Rich Newman, Dental Technician
Composite – Tips and Tricks! Looking at Composition, Layering, Colour and Polishing
of Composite Resins
11.15am Coffee and Exhibition
11.45am Dr Michael Wood, Principal Dentist/Specialist in Special Care Dentistry and Trustee SAAD
Local Anaesthesia for Oral Surgery/Implantology in Medically Compromised Patients
12.45pm Dr Jamie Newlands, Clinical Director, Restorative, Cosmetic and Homeopathic Dentist
Long Term Success and Maintenance for Restorative Dentistry
1.30pm Close