The deadline for dentists’ ARF payments to the GDC was midnight on 31 December 2011 but if you have forgotten, you can still restore your name to the Register.
How do I apply for restoration?
To apply for restoration, you will need to send us a completed restoration form, pay the restoration fee, and send CPD evidence and a letter of good standing if necessary.
How much does it cost?
How much restoration costs depends on when you wish to restore your name to the Register. If you return your restoration form to us in the two months before the annual retention fee for your profession is due, you will also need to include this in your payment. This will ensure you are registered for the following registration year.
Restoration fees
Do I need to send any evidence of continuing professional development (CPD)?
Whether you will need to send in any CPD evidence depends on how long you have been off the Register and if your cycle has ended in that time. Find out more in CPD restoration requirements.
Do I need to provide a letter of good standing?
You will need to provide a letter of good standing if you have been practising overseas during the time you have been off the Register. This should be from the relevant authority of the country or state in which you last practised.
How long will it take?
It will take up to 14 working days to restore your name to the Register, provided your form is correctly completed and you have sent any supporting documents required. Incorrect or incomplete forms cannot be processed.
I have been practising in the UK while I was off the Register, what should I do?
If you were working in the UK while your name was erased from the Register, you will need to explain the circumstances in a letter. If this has occurred you are advised to contact your solicitor or defence organisation before submitting your application.
Can I restore my name after erasure by the professional conduct committee (PCC)?
Since 31 July 2006 when the Dentists Act 1984 was amended, the PCC has operated under two parallel legal systems. If a complaint was received by the GDC before 31 July 2006 then the case is considered under ‘old rules’; if it was received after 31 July 2006 then it is considered under ‘new rules’.
A dental professional whose name has been erased from the Register under the ‘old rules’ may apply for restoration to the Register 10 months after they have been erased. The applicant may also submit testimonials from persons of standing in support of the application. Under the ‘new rules’ a dental professional may apply for restoration 5 years after they have been erased.
To assist the PCC in considering these applications, the Council’s solicitor first recalls the evidence which led to the erasure. The dental professional applying to be restored to the Register may then address the committee and call witnesses in support of the application. The applicant may be represented by counsel or a solicitor at the hearing.
Under the ‘new rules’ the PCC may decided to restore a practitioner’s name subject to certain conditions. The committee may also decided to impose these conditions with immediate effect.
Detailscan be found at