The preparations for the UK’s biggest oral health campaign – National Smile Month 2012 – officially get underway today.
The new-look campaign is being kick-started with a free giveaway of 10,000 ‘smileys’ – the official symbol of the 2012 campaign – and a new website.
The first 2,000 eligible organisations will be able to register online for their five free ‘smileys’ and get a sneak preview of the UK’s most successful oral health campaign which has been re-branded and overhauled for 2012.
The campaign – sponsored by Oral-B, Wrigley, Listerine and Macleans – is also heading into the high street in a major way.
Aldi, Argos, Wilkinson and Lloyds Pharmacy are supporting the campaign and helping to promote the campaigns key messages for great oral health:
• Brush for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
• Cut down on how often you eat sugary foods and drinks
• Visit the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.
The British Dental Health Foundation’s director of campaigns and fundraising, Simon Howell said: ‘After last year’s campaign we spent a lot of time talking to health professionals, sponsors and our partners about how we could make National Smile Month even better.
‘As a result we’ve announced the campaign details much earlier and completely re-branded the campaign to create many more opportunities for existing, and new organisations and supporters, to help share the message of how to achieve great oral health.
‘Despite retaining a serious oral health message, we’ve placed ‘fun’ at the heart of the campaign. Our ‘smiley’ is just one of those ideas and the whole approach of this year’s campaign will make it easier to engage with the public and bring the importance of oral health to their attention.
‘The ‘smileys’ are being made available on a first-come, first-serve basis for eligible organisations. We hope the whole approach of this year’s campaign will inspire many more organisations to get involved. The campaign runs from 20 May to 20 June, so there is lots of time to plan and get involved.’
Organisations can register for their free ‘smileys’ by registering online at: