A company providing CPD for dental professionals has teamed up with a dental charity to raise awareness of the problems of oral health in pockets of the globe.
DentEd is supporting the efforts of Dentaid to raise awareness of vital dental care in places in the world where it’s lacking.
Dentaid’s chief executive Andy Jong said: ‘DentEd has been keen to form a relationship with Dentaid and identify itself with our aim of improving oral health for disadvantaged communities round the world.
‘As they continue to develop their dental CPD courses, we will be working together to make their own aim of ‘reaching out through education’ have meaningful outcomes.’
DentEd plans to support the Bright Bites initiative, a project run by Dentaid to raise awareness of oral health amongst school children in the UK.
Coming up, a one-day course in Leeds on ‘Radiography and Radiation Protection/Law & Ethics’. It will provide 6.5 of core CPD for dentists and 5 hours for DCPs.
The next full-day course is being held at Bodington Hall, University of Leeds on 22 April. The price for dentists is £99 including lunch and £75 including lunch for DCPs.
All those who are interested are being encouraged to register early.