This website is all about interaction, and with that in mind Preventive Dentistry\.co\.uk is pleased to bring you the first edition of a new feature called ‘Have your say’.
The format is simple: We’ll ask a question about a subject of the hour, you simply comment on the story by clicking on the ‘add comment’ button at the bottom of the story, then we’ll publish them on the website and in the magazine.
For the first edition of this feature, we want to know what you think about the launch of the new courses at Kent University for DCPs. To give you some background: A unique degree course aimed at dental care professionals will be launched at the University of Kent’s Medway campus this autumn.
THE QUESTION: Is this course one that DCPs will go on and why?
The BSc in Primary Dental Care – believed to be the first degree of its kind in the United Kingdom – is for qualified professionals such as dental nurses, hygienists and therapists, orthodontic therapists and clinical dental technicians.
The programme has been devised by the University in response to a drive by the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Deanery – the organisation which oversees postgraduate medical and dental education – to provide a method for dental care professionals to gain new skills and broader knowledge through better access to higher education. For more info head to
We look forward to seeing your responses.