May 2024
The composite maintenance masterclass for dental therapists: grow your skills and diary
Speaker(s): Laura Bailey
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Webinar Details
The Speaker
CPD Certificate

The composite maintenance masterclass for dental therapists: grow your skills and diary

Explore how utilising your skills and expertise as a dental therapist can not only increase your revenue but diversify your diary.

Explore airflow powder compositions and the effect on your restorations. Learn what not to do and follow a five-step polishing protocol to build your diary.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the chemistry of composite and how airflow powders can make or break your restorations
  • Learn the basics of a five-step protocol you can integrate into your hygiene list to maintain and enhance your patients composites
  • Explore the business growth that composite maintenance can bring you and your practice.

Speaker: Laura Bailey

Laura Bailey graduated with a first class BSc (hons) degree as a dental therapist from Manchester University in 2013. Since, she has been working in private practice for 10 years in Richmond. Laura is a progressive therapist keen to develop her full scope of practice and has recently graduated with distinction from a PG Dip in restorative and aesthetic dentistry. She is passionate about the relationships she has with her patients and wants to inspire other therapists to take the plunge and do more of what they love. She has also grown a social media following of over 170k followers and educates them on all dental things.
Please login to receive a certificate

This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity fully complies with the CPD requirements of the General Dental Council. FMC certifies this activity for one hour of enhanced CPD in the subject of The composite maintenance masterclass for dental therapists: grow your skills and diary.

This CPD meets the criteria for the GDC’s development outcome C.

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