Dentistry rallies behind Kilimanjaro climb for Dentaid

dentaidFollowing FMC’s announcement Ken Finlayson and Tim Molony are climbing Kilimanjaro for Dentaid, dentistry has got behind the cause raising over £24,000.

Ken announced the effort saying he was inspired by his late wife, Kimberley Finlayson, who tragically died of Covid in March 2020.

Kimberley was very committed to charity projects related to the profession and organised multiple fundraising activities.

‘We’ve been absolutely blown away by the generosity from those in dentistry,’ Ken Finlayson, FMC chairman, said.

‘I set a goal of raising enough money to help Dentaid to buy a new mobile dental clinic so people in UK can access urgent dental care.

‘At the time of writing, we’re well on the way there. It just goes to show the caring nature of the dental community.

‘We’re so grateful, but still need the final push to get over the line. So please share this far and wide and let’s all get behind this worthy cause.’

Please click on the following link to donate:

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Dentaid – helping provide access to urgent dental care

Dentaid’s mobile dental units visit night shelters and day centres with volunteer dental professionals providing treatment and oral health advice.

Dentaid also provides this service for refugees, people living with drug and alcohol addiction and other communities who often struggle to see a dentist.

After receiving treatment, patients say they feel more confident. And the fact they are out of pain helps them to access recovery programmes, seek employment opportunities and move on to a new phase in their lives.

Dentaid runs clinics in the north west, north east and the south of England. The demand for services is busier now than ever before.

In 2021, Dentaid ran more than 180 dental outreach clinics. With a new mobile dental unit the charity can increase that to 300 clinics next year.

Please support our climb. I’m hoping that you can pledge as much as possible to help get the new van on the road and help those people across the UK who need access to urgent dental care.

Please click on the following link to donate:

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