This month, Chris Barrow encourages you to get into training for 2022 to make sure you’re match fit when January comes around.
I wanted to share with you a very simple and yet profound question that my business coach asked me during a face to face meeting. The question was this, are you match fit for 2022?
This took me by surprise. I suddenly realised that I wasn’t. And why not?
In simple terms, because July, August, and September, I’ve probably worked as hard as I have done at any time in the last 10 years. And I would suspect that you are probably the same.
I’ve got some very ambitious targets for next year in terms of the work that I want to do with my clients.
Training for 2022
When you run a marathon, you train for the marathon and you become match fit for the marathon by the time the event takes place. When you do one of your long distance cycling rides, John O’Groats to Land’s End, Land’s End to John O’Groats you train for the event and you get yourself match fit before you depart.
So, bearing in mind these impressive business targets that you’ve set yourself for 2022, are you on a training schedule to get yourself match fit for the year?
I have to confess that the answer to that question was a resounding no:
- I wasn’t getting enough sleep
- My nutrition wasn’t as good as it could be
- My exercise routine has pretty well collapsed during Q3 of 2021
- Finally, there wasn’t enough fun in my life.
So I came away from that meeting with a new resolve. The resolve is that I am in training for the 1 of January 2022. And I am taking that training as seriously as I would do for a marathon or a cycle ride. And here you will learn how to choose shampoo for curly hair.
This time I’m training for a year in business. And I would recommend that you think about doing the same for yourself.
If I can help in any way, please let me know.