With practices becoming ever more digital savvy and the introduction of GDPR, we speak to Shaz Memon about his company, Digimax Dental.
Dentistry.co.uk: What is Digimax Dental?
Shaz Memon: (SM): Digimax Dental is a dental design and marketing company that infuses its vast experience designing for multiple industries to create solutions for dental businesses. With beautiful, powerful and unique designs – backed with proven marketing principles – we can make a dental practice stand out to its target audience and grow, using digital marketing.
Our team of 18 is based in London’s Marylebone area and we are just a stone’s throw from Baker Street Underground station.
Dentistry.co.uk: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what brought about Digimax Dental?
SM: I started Digimax when I was 18 years old (I am now 36) and launched Digimax Dental soon afterwards. I was born into a family of designers and my first dental practice client made me realise that marketing for dentists was unlike marketing for any other industry.
There was a requirement to have a deep understanding of the profession, a need to have an awareness of treatment modalities, equipment and various roles within the team, as well as a knowledge of the expectations placed upon dentists by the various agencies that regulate dentistry.
The tone of copy for a dental practice requires a certain delicacy – a ‘hard sell’ approach is never acceptable – and Digimax Dental has developed this skill.
Thanks to our experience, we have the ability to apply a real understanding of branding concepts to any practice’s identity – in essence, success lies in how a practice makes patients feel about themselves.
Marketing and design for dentistry requires a thorough approach, and Digimax Dental is unique in its efforts to apply this high level of detail to producing results – and we have many practice successes to support this. My team shares this vision. However, I remain actively involved in the key design processes in any new client’s project.
Dentistry.co.uk: What is Digimax’s unique selling point?
SM: Firstly, our price is not based on what you ‘want’. We have no bronze, gold or silver model – we have one price that gives clients exactly what they need for a stunning website. Each client gets the very best out of us and we don’t need to pull out a calculator to total up all the bells and whistles – it’s unfair. Why should a designer give you less, when they can easily give you their all to make you as successful as possible? Isn’t business more about relationships than billing? For us, it certainly is.
We don’t take everyone on – we have an assessment criteria, which means we place a limit on the number of websites we produce a month, allowing us to maintain the quality that makes us popular today. This helps us align to the practices we feel will be most pro-active in achieving our joint goals for practice success.
More than 14 years’ experience – with this level of experience as an established design company, we have the comprehensive marketing and branding knowledge necessary to produce extraordinary results customised to any practice.
Multi award-winning – our talented and award-winning team has produced work that has garnered numerous awards for our clients’ practices and for us! We strive to be the best at everything we do so you benefit.
We say ‘no’ to typical dental designs – there are so many dental websites that look the same, don’t you think? What makes us unique is that we also serve some of the UK’s leading non-dental brands, which helps us infuse a fresh approach to dentistry.
Unique and bespoke – every time – we produce unique marketing, branding and design services created especially for you and your practice – no one will mistake your image for any other practice.
Marketing – all under one roof – as a full-service agency, Digimax Dental can offer clients the tremendous value of having everything from design, branding, marketing, websites, and Google rankings to a range of printing options – everything you need for a practice all under one roof. No need to work with multiple suppliers!
Digimax Dental builds relationships – we have a lot of long-standing client relationships that are a testament to the high quality of our services. Our reviews and testimonials clarify exactly why our clients confidently place their practice marketing needs in our hands.
Innovation – we believe in comprehensive and detailed communications and the value they bring to the success of every project. With this in mind, we developed our client proofing system, which allows you immediate access to review your project’s progress from beginning to successful completion. We have also recently launched Dentaldeposits, a way our clients can take refundable deposits for free patient consultations.
Location – today most of our communications are conducted online, but isn’t it reassuring to know you can meet us if you need to? Our main office is in central London, Marylebone (Baker Street), minutes from Harley Street.
More than beauty – our design work is designed to be beautiful as ‘standard’. Great design is about psychology, typography, imagery and clever message organisation geared to sell you as a practice and make you stand out. Whether you are establishing a new practice, revamping your existing practice, or moving into new areas of practice – Digimax Dental will listen to you, develop precise strategies, marketing, and branding based on what you want to accomplish. We want your success to exceed your expectations.
No mistaken identity – we produce unique marketing, branding, and design services created especially for you and your practice – no one will mistake your image for any other practice – your branding, image, marketing, and website are designed and developed just for you.
Dentistry.co.uk: Is designing a new website and online profile complicated for practices and does it take a lot of effort?
SM: I often speak about ‘purchase beacons’. When I go to purchase something online, I often am interested in the speed at which I can receive the item. Others may be looking at reviews and reputation, price, how long the company has been established, the team behind the company, if the website and brand appear trustworthy, the location and so much more.
Our role, when conceptualising branding and websites, is to identify what purchase beacons are the most important for the audience of this particular practice – then to integrate this onto the designs we produce.
On a website homepage, we have only a few seconds to get across a practice’s key messages. When you have a lot of things to say, it can be hard to get these across in a sophisticated way without weakening all the messages – this is where the effort comes in. I genuinely believe Digimax Dental is the only company that makes this one of the most important processes in the project lifecycle.
Dentistry.co.uk: Why are so many practices falling behind when it comes to promoting their online presence?
SM: Often, the practice owner doesn’t understand branding or fails to realise that even the most attractive of websites needs nurturing. Also, copy on the site might fail to engage, the site’s mobile experience could be poor and, most sadly, they may have been led down the wrong path by ‘experts’.
Dentistry.co.uk: How will the GDPR rules affect dental practice websites?
SM: Dental websites have a stronger requirement to be clearer about how they collect data on their website. Opt-ins to marketing communications needs to be extremely clear. We have a checklist of things we are doing to make our sites GDPR and GDC compliant.
Dentistry.co.uk: Anything else you’d like to add?
SM: Over the years, we have rarely promoted ourselves. Our growth has been organic – and clients often say to us they wish they had come across us earlier. Our goal is to have every dental practice in the country know who we are and what we stand for.
For more information about Digimax Dental visit www.digimax.dental, email [email protected] or call 020 7060 2345.
Address: 113 Crawford Street, London, W1H 2JG.