Class II biomechanic solutions with Nuvola

23Nuvola is an orthodontic approach that helps to achieve the smile your patients always wanted.

Aesthetic and removable, Nuvola aligners are ideal for teen and adult patients that are seeking invisible orthodontics.

Nuvola is ideal to align crooked teeth, closing gaps and correct different malocclusions.

However, the best solution for complex cases are combined treatments.

A lot of dentists use the clear aligners for relapse cases too.

In all orthodontic clear aligner cases it is important to have patient collaboration and a congruous treatment plan.

Case study

The following case is treated only with Nuvola aligners as the patient refused traditional orthodontics.

The patient presented with a mild class II, deep bite and severe dental crowding.

The treatment plan was alignment of upper and lower arches with buccal expansion using Nuvola and IPR (interproximal reduction), correcting dental class II and the deep bite to improve the function of the teeth.

We used a total of 23 aligners on the upper arch and 20 aligners on the lower arch.

We achieved a transversal expansion of 2mm on both arches, which helped to reduce the IPR, we concentrated the IPR from the distal of the canines to the distal of the premolars, leaving just a minimum of IPR on the front teeth.

To reduce the canine class two on both sides, vertical rectangular attachments on the first molar and bicuspid were used to achieve 2 mm distalisation.

During the therapy the class two elastics were used with an indirect technique to induce a posterior extrusion, to improve the open bite and slight proclination of the lower incisors to reduce the overjet.

For more information on Nuvola aligners, visit

Figure 1: Upper arch before treatment
Figure 1: Upper arch before treatment
Figure 2: Lower arch before treatment
Figure 2: Lower arch before treatment
Figure 3: Upper-lower occlusion pre-treatment
Figure 3: Upper-lower occlusion pre-treatment
Figure 4: Right occlusion befor treatment
Figure 4: Right occlusion befor treatment
Figure 5: Left occlusion before treatment
Figure 5: Left occlusion before treatment
Figure 6: Upper arch alignment
Figure 6: Upper arch alignment
Figure 7: Lower alignment
Figure 7: Lower alignment
Figure 8: Class II biomechanics
Figure 8: Class II biomechanics
Figure 9: Right buccal occlusion after alignment
Figure 9: Right buccal occlusion after alignment
Figure 10: Left buccal occlusion after alignment
Figure 10: Left buccal occlusion after alignment
Figure 11: Front final alignment
Figure 11: Front final alignment
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