Bernard’s appointment signifies Patient Plan Directs’ objective to further establish itself in the mature dental payment plan market.
Bernard has recently completed an MBA at Warwick University, specifically researching marketing within dentistry.
Of his appointment Bernard said: 'Patient Plan Direct is a forward thinking and vibrant organisation.
'I believe Patient Plan Direct’s approach is one that fits with the needs of a modern dental practice.
'As the UK economy picks up so will the costs in running a dental practice and one place dentists can look to reduce their costs whilst increasing their margins is the administration fees of their payment plans.'
Simon Reynolds, commercial director of Patient Plan Direct, commented: 'The commercial acumen Bernard encompasses, nurtured from his experience within the industry and his strong academic background, fits with our developing business strategy.
'Bernard will be a key influence in the strategic direction of Patient Plan Direct and will represent a source of support and guidance for the practices that choose to work with us, whether launching a plan for the first time or transferring from another plan provider.
'I’m looking forward to working alongside Bernard and the rest of our expanding team.'