A six-month campaign in Dentistry magazine, Young Dentist magazine and on dentistry.co.uk seeks to find four dentists, under the age of 30, with talent worth celebrating in our journals.
Entries will be based on the following criteria:
- Innovative ideas implemented in practice
- Any pro-bono or charitable initiatives undertaken
- Demonstrable leadership activities.
All that applicants need to do in order to enter is send in a 500-word submission with pictures where relevant.
A dentist can apply directly or be put forward by a colleague.
All entries will be independently judged.
We will select the strongest four winners and publish them in a composite article of the Fast Track 4 winners in the August edition of Dentistry magazine and in the September edition of Young Dentist magazine.
The featured dentists in Dentistry’s Fast Track 4 get:
- Invited to join the editorial board of Young Dentist magazine
- A VIP ticket to The Dentistry Awards
- Their profile/entry published in Dentistry magazine
- An hour with one of our editorial board mentors
- The glory of being highlighted.
To enter the award please email your 500 word entry along with supporting material to [email protected].