This brings the total number of dental schools that have joined the orthodontic training programme to seven.
The Invisalign University Programme has been deemed an integral part of the course for post graduate dentists as they train to be orthodontists, which recognises that aligner treatments are now accepted as a mainstream orthodontic treatment.
Since its inception in 2013 the programme has been run at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup, Kent, The Countess of Chester Hospital and the Dublin Dental Hospital.
The expanded programme is now also to be offered at the universities of Leeds, Cardiff, Newcastle and Sheffield.
Course tutor, Dr Graham Gardner, explains: ‘As specialist orthodontists it is imperative that we keep fully abreast with the latest trends in orthodontics.
‘Invisalign is now not only a fully-fledged orthodontic appliance system but has also stood the test of time despite many cynics predicting its demise within a couple of years of its launch.
‘With more than 13 years of experience with the appliance, I am more excited today about doing Invisalign than I have ever been.
‘For me, the benefit of Invisalign is not merely the convenience for the patient of wearing a relatively comfortable, removable, thin, plastic aligner but, the Clincheck software which offers an incredible insight into the biomechanics and treatment stages that are required to achieve the result.
‘The teaching opportunities that the Invisalign Clincheck offer the postgraduate orthodontic registar, I think, are unparalleled.
‘I am incredibly excited that Invisalign is now beginning to be included into orthodontic education programmes as I view this as an exciting future for orthodontics.’
Each university programme gives up to twenty orthodontic students the opportunity to undergo training from experienced orthodontic specialists who are skilled in the use of the Invisalign orthodontic appliance and can share both theoretical and practical expertise.
The Invisalign University Training Programme starts with an introduction to the Invisalign Doctor site, treatment options and treatment selection, record submission, the use of the Clincheck software and aligner delivery, through to monitoring and finishing.
Each university is provided with a university kit, which includes Invisalign materials and access to the Clincheck software programme – everything the students need to get started.
Students will also have access to the International Treatment Gallery to view completed cases and they are encouraged to submit their own treatments to the International Treatment Gallery after completion.
Other benefits include additional free Invisalign treatments and discounts once the first student intake has submitted their first cases.
Every student who participates is also entitled to an Invisalign account, which is activated after their graduation and allows them to care for patients using the Invisalign system once they start in practice.
An authorised member of the faculty of universities interested in adding Invisalign to its orthodontic training curriculum is requested to email: eu-universities@aligntech for more information.