October 2022
On demand: Implant supported prosthesis are screwed or glued – why?
Speaker(s): Alan Banks
Dentistry webinars are available to Dentistry Club members only, please log in or sign up.
Webinar Details
The Speaker
CPD Certificate

Implant supported prosthesis are screwed or glued – why?

This webinar is designed to introduce the implant community to simpler methods of delivering and removing implant borne restorations. Using shape memory technology, the practitioner and the team can simply wave a wand, send energy to a device atop the abutment, and the prosthesis disengages and is removed. This innovation is intended for single crowns up to full arch. The programme will discuss the tech, the process, and its implications for full arch dentistry, with a detailed step-by-step method for live surgery in the full arch realm. Removing implant supported prosthesis is a necessary burden. But why must it involve drilling, un-torquing, torquing, filling, equilibrating? This webinar will offer an alternative that benefits the team and the patient.

Learning outcomes

  • Use of a ‘magic wand’ for simple removal of dental prostheses
  • Learn a new technique from an old technology, one that is applied in aerospace, medical, military, dental
  • Learn how hygiene appointments can be quick, without the need for traditional drilling, unscrewing, re-torquing, filling, equilibrating, etc
  • Discover the full arch implications with regard to recall and cleaning
  • Invite the team to this program to understand the extra-oral, simple steps to full arch conversion.

Speaker: Alan Banks

Alan Banks has over 20 years in the dental laboratory with bench technician experience, research and development. Since 2001, Alan has been employed by ROE, a forward-thinking, digital, international laboratory. He runs teams of specialists who provide technical support to general dentists and specialists, specialising in all areas of dental laboratory technology, with special focus on today’s digital technology and full arch reconstruction. During the past several years he has supported dentists with digital acquisition equipment, CBCT scanners and facilitated the digital handshake between lab and office. He has also supported dental offices with sophisticated guided smile chrome surgery, instructed on surgical guide protocols and restorative conversion and many other lab/office interfaces, and provides in-office support for full arch conversions. Alan also manages R&D projects in various departments of ROE as well as manages all outward communications, which requires him to be up to date on the latest topics of dentistry.
Please login to receive a certificate

This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity fully complies with the CPD requirements of the General Dental Council.

FMC certifies this activity for one hour of enhanced CPD in the subject of Implant supported prosthesis are screwed or glued, why?

This CPD meets the criteria for the GDC’s development outcome C

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