Dentists and leaders in the profession gathered to discuss what the future of dentistry will look like last week.
FMC hosted an evening with leading figures and social media influencers to hear their thoughts on a range of matters.
There was also an opportunity to catch up and network after the event at the Sea Containers, London.
‘It was so great to see everybody at the second Future of Dentistry event FMC has hosted,’ Seb Evans, Dentistry editor, said.
‘We’ve actually been planning this since before the pandemic. So it was a relief to finally have the event go ahead.
‘And it didn’t disappoint. Almost everybody invited turned up and had the chance to discuss and give their opinion on the future of dentistry.
‘The after party was also a great opportunity to catch up with those we may have only met virtually beforehand too.
‘I’m already looking forward to catching everybody again at the next event. Hopefully it won’t be another two years before we can host it!’
Future of Dentistry
During the event, attendees were split off into separate tables where FMC editors posed questions on the future of dentistry.
Specifically discussions covered the impacts of Covid, social media, how dentistry will change over the next three years and how those within the dental profession perceive and treat each other.
Points raised during the conference will go on to help shape the content direction of FMC’s dental publications into the future. As well as helping keep FMC’s finger on the pulse of what is important in dentistry at the moment.
‘It was so nice to see everybody and catch up after such a long time apart,’ Leanna Ellis, FMC events director, said.
‘And the Sea Containers provided the perfect back drop for the event to go on long into the evening.
‘After such a successful conference we’re working out how to improve things for next year. Watch this space!’
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