Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days…
COVID-19 vaccine more than 90% effective, trials suggest
I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to look forward with a little bit of hesitant optimism. News of a 90% effective COVID-19 vaccine hints at an end in sight. Even if this isn’t the panacea, other vaccines are also just around the corner! Dentistry might never look the same, but at least those nervous patients will start returning to the practice.
UK’s chief dental officers release update on COVID-19
The chief dental officers across the UK have come together to release a joint letter in response to the growing number of coronavirus cases. The letter warns of a tough few winter months ahead. It asks dental teams to use their ‘professional judgement’ to ensure patients receive safe care. This is a little rich considering dental teams were trying to use their professional judgement to help patients during the first lockdown, when it was actually the CDO’s policies that stopped them from doing so.
Zak Lee-Green – a life in dentistry
From the GB rowing team to the dental practice, this week we heard the inspiring story of Zak Lee-Green as he balanced life as a team GB rower with life as a dentist. Despite just missing out on the Olympic team, Zak has had a very unique journey into practice.
Homeless ‘not coping’ with their oral health
From one inspiring story to another. Jane Lelean and Dentaid explain how they are helping the homeless combat poor oral health this winter, giving many a chance to get back on their feet. It’s heartwarming to hear how volunteering one day each month can have such a big impact on somebody’s life.
Government considers total ban of online adverts for high sugar products
And finally, the government could soon consider a total ban of online adverts for high sugar products. A new consultation by the Department of Health is looking for views on a complete ban. It’s a consultation that’s long overdue. Currently, children spend 20 minutes longer online every day compared to a TV. Children are currently being bombarded with adverts for unhealthy foods.
Latest webinars
Dentistry Study Club is the place to go at the moment for all your webinar needs! We have a huge number of webinars over the coming weeks covering a variety of topics.
And, if you’ve missed one, don’t worry. They’re all available on demand to watch in your own time.
But in the meantime make sure you take some time to look through the exciting webinars available this week:
- Conversations on perio disease – with Alif Moosajee – Tuesday 17 November at 19:00
- What patients want – with Rhona Eskander – Wednesday 18 November at 19:00
- Pension age discrimination – what does the McCloud judgement mean for you and your pension? – with Stephen Barry and Karen Pincher – Thursday 19 November at 19:00.
Catch up on last week’s news here.
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