Chris Baker shares his advice for how practices can harness the power of social media platforms to promote their bleaching treatments.
Tooth whitening is a great door-opener for many practices, whether it reaches people online, through social media or via more traditional avenues such as walk-bys, advertising or patient recommendation. It is an elective, entry-level cosmetic treatment that by dentistry’s (admittedly low) standards, could be considered ‘sexy’.
It’s quick, relatively inexpensive and with some forms of the treatment can be achieved in an hour or two. To risk being reductive, it is a great ‘gateway’ treatment!
If you want to interest people in just-about-anything nowadays, social media is often the place to start. It is not the only place, by the way; don’t think that having a Facebook page and Twitter account negates the need to partake in any other form of marketing – it doesn’t.
But to give you some figures, there are more than 13 million Twitter users in the UK and around half of the UK population are classed as ‘actively using’ Facebook. It’s serious stuff. And those aren’t the only social media platforms out there. There’s Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Linkedin… The list goes on and on.
With such a wide variety of platforms and a great number of users, it is no great surprise that there is a lot of ‘noise’ on most social media. That is, a lot of inane chatter both from individuals and now, much more from businesses wanting to sell at users.
So, how do you make sure that your proposition stands out and makes people take notice?
Dentistry on social media
There are a number of key steps that you should be taking on social media that aren’t whitening-specific but are…
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