The GDC has published Shifting the balance: The GDC’s response to your views and next steps today.
This comes after the General Dental Council (GDC) launched a consultation on its plans for the future of dental regulation in January, outlined in Shifting the balance.
The GDC claims it received 86 responses from individual practitioners, professional associations and partners, with responses being broadly supportive of the proposals.
‘We’re very grateful for the input and feedback we have received in relation to Shifting the balance,’ Ian Brack, chief executive and registrar of the GDC, said.
‘Several respondents saw the proposals as ambitious.
‘We agree: for this ambition to be realised, close collaboration with dental professionals and wider stakeholders across the sector will be needed and we look forward to undertaking that shared task in the coming months.’
Shifting the balance
The GDC is now planning to move ahead with implementing many of the areas it proposed in Shifting the balance in 2018.
It has already begun implementing several key areas, including a comprehensive review of fitness to practise processes, developing a clearer understanding of what constitutes ‘seriousness’, improving how complaints are handled locally, and the enhanced sharing of learning outcomes for upstream gains.
The regulator is now seeking further collaboration by setting up a network of leaders from across dentistry, which the GDC hopes can deliver a more proportionate system of dental regulation.