Coronation Street actress, Alison King, has undergone IPS E.max treatment to improve her smile.
Alison King underwent IPS E.max crown restorations in only two appointments after she was left unsatisfied with cosmetic surgery she undertook when she was younger.
‘As an actress onscreen I’d began to notice how my top and bottom front teeth had been pushed into the middle where my thumb had been!’ Alison Kind said, blaming sucking her thumb as a child for needing six teeth crowned previously.
‘The inside bottom four teeth around the gum line were much shorter than the rest of the teeth.
‘It was during my time at drama school that I decided to undergo cosmetic surgery at a dental practice in London, however I wasn’t completely satisfied with the final result and always felt that there was room for improvement.’
Improving Alison’s smile
Dentist John Hewitt and dental technician, Jonathan Asquith, helped to improve Alison King’s smile.
Alison’s aesthetic zone was re-evaluated by John and Jonathan, and using their precision and expertise, along with the latest materials, they made an fitted what Alison described as ‘perfect teeth that looked natural and just like my own – but better!’
‘The treatment Alison originally had did not addressed the aesthetics fully,’ John said.
‘Gingival contouring was not performed for initial surgery, leaving the aesthetic zone incomplete.
‘We highlighted the improvements we could make to her smile and were delighted when she agreed.’
Alison concluded: ‘I wanted a smile that didn’t look out of character, and together John and Jonathan really did make happen what other dentist’s had said was impossible.
‘I’m truly indebted to them forever and smiling happily!’
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