With this message, dental charity, Bridge2aid, hopes to increase vital support this year, making it possible to provide access to dental treatment for millions more people in need in east Africa.
Dental caries is an extremely prevalent disease globally.
But because access to treatment is so readily available, many people living in developed countries don’t even think about it.
Yet it is the world’s most common disease, with woefully inadequate numbers of personnel available to address it in developing countries.
If left untreated, complications can and do lead to death.
Chief executive, Mark Topley, asks: ‘What if your child had toothache and no hope of help?
‘With not even the most basic dental service available for the majority of people living in the rural areas of places like Tanzania, there are countless untreated dental problems.
‘And more than half of people with toothache and no access to basic treatment will develop complications; sometimes, very sadly and shockingly, the complications lead to death.’
However, Bridge2aid is making a big impact – by training local health professionals already based in villages to extract teeth and relieve pain.
And it works – over the past 10 years Bridg2aid has demonstrated success in both Tanzania and Rwanda, making access to treatment available to over 3 million people.
Health professionals trained by Bridge2aid have shown they can immediately address 98% of dental problems.
You can help people in pain today.
For only £5, you could give ongoing access to pain relief to a whole family in east Africa.
Please visit www.bridge2aid.org/whatif to join with Bridge2aid in its mission to make access to simple, safe, emergency dental treatment available to all.